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You were walking around the streets, not really knowing which way to go

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You were walking around the streets, not really knowing which way to go. Was it left? Was it right? Or should you just continue straight ahead? Your thoughts kept flying around in your head, making the city streets feel way more complicated than they already were. All the neon signs as well as the lit windows from the skyscrapers didn't make the situation any easier, either. Everything was simply confusing. You felt like an ant fighting to avoid all the bigger people's footsteps. You'd never felt this way before. 

And how? How could this had happened? You'd been on vacation in South Korea for one day and you were already lost. Made sense, though. It was a huge city – a beautiful city, indeed. Seoul that was. But damn, it was perplexed. There were way too many people. For you, an innocent, young girl who used to live in a small town with almost no people at all, Seoul was a lot to take on. Luckily, you only had to be there for a week. But a week would easily feel like more than possibly a year as you didn't speak any Korean at all. You couldn't even say "hello". Perhaps you should've considered travelling to a different country. Honestly, you hadn't even brought a translation book- wait a second... who the hell used translation books? You were in (current year). You had a phone. Just a few clicks and taps on that and you'd be able to translate every single word into Korean- No. "No, no, no!" you thought. Even that wouldn't work for you. Instant digital translation would not just make retarded sentences... It would also make you look like a fool as you didn't know how to pronounce any of the translated words. Korean words. "How am I supposed to live here for a week?" you thought to yourself, softly slapping a hand on your face. "Y/N... You're ridiculous."

You stopped walking. Looking around at all the people. The cars. The signs. The windows, the buildings, the roads... It was too much. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, just to see if you could calm yourself down. Opening your eyes again, you turned around to see if everything still seemed equally as confusing. It was slightly better now, but not much. Even so, you had to find your hotel. You'd been searching for it throughout almost the entire night.

One deep sigh, and you took a lazy step forward, fighting to start walking again. It was in the middle of the night, so obviously, you were tired as well- Bump! You barely noticed that you fell, until you looked up at a tall, muscular guy, inspecting you quickly yet thoroughly with his eyes.

"Mianhae," he said, his character seeming a bit stressed out. Somewhat panicked, actually. You sat up on the ground and dusted off some of the dirt that had found its way onto your back. Looking up again to approach the guy, you saw nothing but air. You swore to yourself that you'd bumped into someone. A guy that, just a few seconds ago, stood right in front of you. And now, he was gone. Just like that? Also, it was a pretty harsh bump, so how could he not had fallen with you? Your head pounded in pain by the thought of yet another situation stamped with confusion. You had to get home. Now.

With difficulty, you got on your feet, groaning a bit due to the newly red bruises on your hands and back that you'd gotten from the fall. You took a quick glance on your surroundings; no guy in sight. Well, there were plenty of guys... But not the guy that you'd bumped into. Or well, that had bumped into you. He was nowhere to be seen. Despite the sudden disappearance, you still thought he at least could've stayed and helped you up. "What a gentleman," you thought, the irony evident in your inner voice.

You looked at your hands. They were bleeding. Not much, though. You'd scratched them on the ground as you took off from the fall. The scratches stung a little, but they were easy to take care of. Though, you were probably far from close to your hotel, so you weren't quite able to do so. You couldn't even clean your hands, because you didn't have any water. "Dammit."

You grabbed your phone from your jacket pocket. "Let's see if the navigator works here," you thought, desperately hoping that it would. "Please... Come on, come on, come on!" you whispered as you intensely stared at the much bothersome loading sign. With its rotation contentiously going, you walked down a minor alley to see if the connection would be better there. Darkness surrounded the alley as you walked in deeper. You only found yourself coming to a halt when the loading sign suddenly disappeared and the screen turned pitch black. "NO! Oh God, no!" you screamed, not caring if anyone heard you. In a fit of anger, you almost threw your phone on the ground, but remembered that you didn't have the money to buy a new one, so you stopped yourself and carefully put the phone back into the jacket pocket. "What am I going to do now?!" you said, kicking the end wall of the alley harshly. After a few seconds, your temper was calmed and you turned around to walk back into the streets again. 

But there. Right in front of you, stood a tall guy in a black hoodie... And not just any guy. The guy from earlier. You hadn't noticed much when he'd bumped into you, but now you did. The hood covered his face with a shadow, making only his eyes visible. Green eyes, but not an ordinary green. Neon green. They lit up, just as much as the neon signs in the streets. 

It all happened so fast. He grabbed you by the throat, lifting you up in the air. Pushing you harshly against the very bottom wall of the alley, you let out a painful groan as the back of your head hit the wall with a loud thud. You couldn't breathe – his grip around your throat was too tight. "I-I c-can't breathe.." you uttered with a silent, hoarse voice. "What do you know?!" he shouted, completely ignoring your words. His sharp green eyes screamed danger, his stare worsening the already extreme pounding inside your head. Hoping to get his hands away from your throat, you put your hands on his. Struggling, you tried to move his fingers one by one, but as a response to that, he instantly tightened his grip. The pain started to grow in your lungs, and your surroundings were slowly fading. " TELL ME!" he shouted, shaking you against the wall.

You wanted to answer him. Explain to him that you had no idea what on earth he happened to be talking about. That he'd gotten the wrong person. But you couldn't. Your strength was gone and so was your ability to speak. You would be dead in any second now. 

Things started blackening. Your body lost all of its energy. You were just hanging there... like a ragdoll. "LET HER GO, KAI!" a deep voice yelled in the distance. You felt the cold air rushing into your body as the forceful grip around your throat disappeared and your crumbled body fell to the ground. You were desperate for air, and you felt your lungs taking all of it in as you breathed hastily, just about hyperventilating.

But it was too late. It had been too long without any oxygen. Your body's strength didn't return and just like that... Everything turned black.

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