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"She's waking up!" someone shouted close to you

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"She's waking up!" someone shouted close to you.
You blinked a few times to see your surroundings. Everything was so blurry. You didn't feel well either. Your body was hurting, especially your neck. It felt like your body was sleeping, even though you were awake. What had happened to you? You couldn't remember anything.
"Y/N... How do you feel?"
You looked around to find where the voice came from, and was shocked by the person sitting right next to you. You lay in a tiny bed in a big white room. It looked like a hospital wing.
"Y/N, can you hear me?"
The person took your hand gently. First, you looked at his hand covering yours, then you looked at him. Wow. Even though, you couldn't catch details because of the blurriness, he still looked really handsome. His black up straight hair fitted him so well. And damn, he was tall. He even sat down on a chair that was lower than your bed, and still he managed to top your height. You knew who he was, despite the blurry shapes. He was the youngest one of them. You never understood the weird differences between age and height. But that didn't matter. He was here, and he was taking care of you. Sehun.

"Y/N, talk to me," he said, really worried.

You let his hand stay at yours, but moved your other towards your neck.
"Don't touch there!" Sehun spoke loudly, as he quickly grabbed your hand and pulled it away from your neck. He was so fast that you didn't even get to your neck.
"Sorry..." he said, letting go of both of your hands.
You stared at him for a while. Both because of the shock that he just gave you, but also because of him. He was really handsome. You didn't really care how many times, you had to mention that to yourself.
"It's alright," you said to make him feel better.
"But... Can you please explain to me why I can't touch there? And why I'm lying in this bed, practically feeling like I'm having a horrible fever?" you continued, a little bit of sarcasm in your voice.
With no hesitation Sehun reached under your legs and back, scooped you up and walked towards a mirror close to the bed. You could've walked, you thought. But again, your body was weak. And somehow, it felt nice to be held by him. You felt protected. A bit memories came back from... whatever day this had happened to you.
Sehun stopped in front of the mirror, and turned so that you could see yourself.
"Oh my G-!" you shouted, but stopped yourself by putting a hand in front of your mouth.
There was a huge wound on the side of your neck – Two holes, looking like bite-holes, cracks around them, and greenish liquid flooding out of them. It was disgusting.
"What in the world is that?!" you said loudly, and moved in Sehun's arms to get him to move away from the mirror.
He understood your sign, and went back to place you in the bed. This time he sat next to you on the bed.
"Do you really want to know?" he asked, and placed his hand on your leg.
He looked very concerned for you.
"Yes. I'd really like to know what's happened to me! "
You tried answering politely, but you were way too confused to do that.
Sehun sighed.
"Alright then..."
He paused for a moment. Then continued.
" ou were bitten last night. At the party. By... Kai."
You were in shock. THIS happened last night?! At the party?! Where there were tons of other people, that could easily see you?! What was Kai thinking?!
"Then... Am I gonna die? Or... Turn into a Mons-"
"No," Sehun interrupted.
" I stopped Kai before he could take your whole soul. He only got a bit of it. "
Sehun looked you directly in the eyes.
"If we don't take all of the soul when feeding on a human, nothing will happen to that person. Unfortunately, we will still keep being hungry with that method."
Sehun said it like it was so understandable. Actually, it was, but at the same time... There was a tiny bit of tremble in his voice, making it seem... unconvincing. It was also just so crazy. All of it.
"Where am I?" you asked to change the subject a bit.
"You're in our medical center. You need treatment to get the injuries away."
"YOUR medical center?"
"Yes, our medical center. It's a little department in our hotel, made to help in cases like this."
Sehun smiled by the look on your face. How big was this hotel?!
"You should be fine within the next few days. But it's important that you don't stress – Relaxation and silence is the best for your condition right now."
At first, you were relieved. But then you realized something.
"Wait, did you just say... The next few days?!"
"Yes...?" Sehun asked confusingly.
"I'm going home tomorrow, Sehun!"
He jumped a little by your loud voice, but gathered himself.
"That's right. I forgot... My apologies."
You stood up from the bed, but immediately fell together on the floor. How could one bite do THIS to your body?
Sehun came to your side, trying to help you stand again, but you shook your head at him. You had to do this by yourself. He took a few steps back, but still stood by your side in case you would fall again. But with a lot of trouble, you finally got up. Then you looked at Sehun.
"I need to get home..." you said, really trying to keep your temper down.
Sehun couldn't stand watching you like that: Struggling to even stand, so he walked over to you and grabbed you around the waist. It didn't seem like he cared if it was too forward.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but you can't go home. It's too dangerous with the kind of injuries that you have."
You touched his hand and pushed it away from your waist. Then struggled to stand so that you could look him right in the eyes. You couldn't handle this anymore. It was enough.
"I need to go home... NOW. And no, I don't mean home as in my hotel room, I mean home as in HOME! I can't take this anymore! I may not remember when I got bitten last night, but I certainly remember what I told you guys! And you should understand that! And yes, I know that you're just trying to help, and I really appreciate that, but right now, I just really need to get away from all of this! As soon as I'm home, I'm never coming back again. I said that you were too dangerous, and thanks to Kai, that point of mine is proven right. Right now, I don't care if I'm dangerously injured. I don't care what I have to say or do to get out of here. And HELL if I care that none of you like me after what I've just said about you! Just... Let... Me... Go... HOME!"
Sehun stared at you with wide eyes. He could feel your rage. There was nothing else to do. He had to let you go.
"I understand..." he then said quietly.
"No, listen! I don't care what you- wait... Did you just say that you understand? Does that mean I can go home?"
As he answered, your body was filled with relief and happiness. But then he continued...
"On one condition," he said and crossed his arms.
"Okay... What?"
He went over to sit on the bed. Even though, you barely could stand because of your weakness, you chose to stay at your spot.
"As you were passing out last night... After you'd been bitten... You mentioned something. You mentioned something as I ran with you. Do you, at any chance, happen to remember what it was?"
You frowned. You had no idea what happened last night. But still, you tried remembering. Just to help him out a bit.
"I'm sorry... I don't remember anything from after Kai bit me."
Sehun sighed and looked down – disappointed. But suddenly, he raised his head again, seeming to have an idea.
"You're saying that you can't remember anything from AFTER Kai bit you, am I correct?" he then asked.
"Okay, imagine this: Kai is biting you... What happens? What do you see?"
Sehun sounded like some sort of detective, asking those kind of questions.
You were thinking... What did you see, when he bit you? Was there anything different in that exact moment?


Then it hit you.

"The door..." you said, looking up as you were thinking.
"The door? The door what?" Sehun asked to push you a little.
"I think it opened..."
Sehun didn't sit with crossed arms anymore. He'd placed his elbows on his knees, holding his head up with his hands, and leaning all in towards you. He was obviously listening very carefully.
"You think it opened?" he asked, still trying to push you to a conclusion.
"No, it did open! And... There was something there."
"No... Someone!"
Sehun stood up. His expression suddenly changed from all curious to... frightened.
"Wait... Are you saying that... someone saw Kai... biting you?!"
You were scared now as well. Sehun was really freaking you out.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Sehun said as he walked around the room with his hands on his forehead.
"THAT'S what you meant by it!" he then said, looking at you.
"Meant by what?"
"Last night. The only word you could get out before you passed out was: Person."
You were both in shock.
"Meaning that there was a person – The so-called 'someone' at the door!"
You jumped back, banging into a wall as Sehun screamed. You'd never heard that before. Not from any of them. Neither had you ever seen any of them be so scared.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Sehun kept saying as he walked around the room in panic.
"This CAN'T be happening!"
He stopped. Then looked at you. In only a few seconds, he stood in front of you, his hands on the wall, capturing you in the middle of them.
You didn't get to answer before the door to the room was kicked open, and armed muscular men in black uniforms and helmets, stormed into the room. There were so many that you didn't even get to count them. They pointed at Sehun with big machine guns, making you crumble into a tiny mouse in his arms.
"HANDS UP!" they shouted at him, and went even closer to him, now almost touching his face with the weapons.
Sehun looked at you, showing you the fear in his eyes, then lifted his arms. It didn't take long before the men grabbed his arms and handcuffed them behind his back. They pushed him out of the room so harshly that he almost fell. Then some of them went to you, grabbing your shoulders.
"NO, LET ME GO!" you screamed, pushing and kicking to get them to let go of you, but they'd grabbed you so tight, that you couldn't move. Also, you were too weak.
"Calm down, Miss, we're not gonna hurt you!" the man who'd grabbed you said.
But you didn't calm down. Yes, you were weak, but still you managed to get out of his grab. Immediately you ran out of the room and down a long hallway. You didn't know this part of the hotel, but you followed the loud talking of the armed men. It was so hard for you to run. Your lungs hurt after just 10 seconds, and it felt like your bones and muscles were shrinking. But you didn't give up.

Suddenly, you found yourself in the hotel lobby, and in no time, you ran towards the exit. The armed men's voices were getting closer. You could see blue and red lights blinking through the main glass door to the hotel. You pushed it open with all of your remaining strength, and nearly fell down the stairs because of your speed. Then you stopped.

No... No, no, no!
You wanted to scream by the sight of it, but couldn't. You were out of breath... Out of voice.
The blue lights. The red lights. They all came from police cars and big black vans parked in front of the hotel. They were blocking practically all traffic. Hundreds of armed policemen stood on the street, guiding people away from the area and shouting loudly. It was horrible.
Then you saw Sehun. You ran towards him, well aware of knowing you were about to faint, but you didn't care. This was wrong.
"NO!" you screamed as you reached for him, but one of the armed men in black grabbed you and pulled you back.
"LET GO OF ME!" you screamed, hitting him everywhere possible.
You looked up to see where they were taking Sehun. Then you suddenly stopped fighting back.
"No..." you whispered, and felt a tear rolling down your chin.
There was a black van parked right in front of you. Sehun was pushed into it, and right before the men closed the back doors, you saw them. All of them. EXO. They were all sitting there, handcuffed, in the back of the van, looking directly at you. You could see the disappointment in their eyes. Then the doors closed.
"NOOO! DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY! PLEASE!" you screamed, now crying.
"Miss, you need to come with us to the station. We have some questions to ask you," the man holding you said.

You wanted to scream all you wanted, but you couldn't anymore. It was too late. They were gone.

You felt the need to call someone. Tell someone about this. But then you realized... You didn't know anyone in this city. You didn't know anyone except from them. You only knew EXO.

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