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Your eyes immediately opened by the loud sound

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Your eyes immediately opened by the loud sound. You had to blink a few times to deal with the piercing daylight in the room.
"Sorry..." it sounded in the background.
You sat up, rubbing your eyes instead this time. You were almost shocked that you could actually sit up straight. Last night, you could barely move in the end. The medicine had really helped. Though of course you weren't all fresh and energetic – Your body was still weak. But it was better, way better.
You searched the room to find where the sound came from, and then you saw Baekhyun struggling to close your suitcase. You smiled by the sight of it. He really couldn't close that suitcase.
"Do you need some help with that?" you asked him, as you stood up.
A little smile appeared on his face when he turned around to look at you, but it quickly faded away again.
"No! I can handle it."
It was clear that he was struggling, but you knew why he was lying to you. His concern for you was not to be mistaken. But he'd already done enough for you – Yes, this was only a suitcase, but still you didn't want him to do more for you.
"Let me take care of it," you said as you approached him.
But just as you reached for the suitcase, Baekhyun grabbed your hand, turned around and stared right into your eyes. He then took your other hand and held them close together, focusing only on you.
"No, Y/N. You need to relax. You may be feeling better, but it's just the medicine kicking in. Your body still isn't fully healed, and to make sure that it does, you need to do as little as possible."
He let go of your hands, and turned towards the suitcase again. One more try, he hit it with all strength, finally making it close.
"There we go," he said and turned to look at you again. But you weren't looking at him. Just down at the floor.
"It's 6:45. Are you ready to go?" he then asked.
"I guess I am..." you said, obvious that you'd been affected by his words.
"Hey..." he said, lifting your head up with his finger.
"I know that you want to do things yourself. But it's just too risky right now."
You nodded and gave him a little smile. He just wanted to protect you; you were very well aware of that. But he'd just done so much for you lately. And now that you were feeling better, he could at least just let you do a couple of things.

The streets were busy at this time in the morning. Everyone was probably on their way to work. And then there was you, on your way to the airport. Every time you thought of that, it just felt weird. You'd been here for a week, and now you were going home. Gosh... Where had the days gone?

There wasn't much talking in the cab on the way to the airport. Both of you were tired. You, because you were recovering and Baekhyun... He'd probably been watching over you during the night. If anything should have happened.

Baekhyun was by your side all the time, always helping you. And when you got to the airport, he still refused to leave your side, until you were at the gate. At first, you didn't really think much about it. But then you realized that something might be wrong. Yes, he was very protective just in general, but this was way beyond protective. He was basically body-guarding you. And when you looked closer at him, he seemed bothered by something. As you walked, he sped up as well, actually overtook you; like he was busy. Seeing him that way, bothered you too, and you couldn't just let him walk around like that. You had to know what was going on, before you boarded your plane. Maybe you could get the chance to help him with at least one thing.

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