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"Listen... Before I tell you, you must know, that you can't tell anyone. It'll only bring you in serious danger." This all scared you as well now. Had they done something wrong? Were they criminals? You felt the need for answers grow even more inside you. "Come... Sit down." The leader showed you to the couch. The other guys gathered around, so they could hear everything that would be told.

"Let's start with last night," he began.

"As you may already have guessed, what happened to you, was a misunderstanding." The guy looked at Kai, who rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Kai's actions were wrong as well, and I apologize for that," he continued.
"But why did he attack me? What was a misunderstanding?" you asked desperately. You just wanted to get to the whole point.
"You don't know much about us. Not many do. But... some do. And those persons are dangerous."

"We are very special. And by we, I mean the guys and I."

He stayed quiet for a moment.

"You're... Special?" you asked, frowning because of the weird explanation.
"We're not normal humans. We don't eat ordinary food. We hunt. We hunt for humans. The humans are our food."
You were shocked. What in the world was he talking about? He was crazy. They were crazy.
"We're called Monsters."
You felt like running, but at the same time, you wanted to hear more. Was this a lie, or was it the truth?
"So... You eat humans?" you asked, very concerned for yourself in that moment. If that was true, you were a living steak.
"No, no! You're misunderstanding! We don't eat humans."
"But you just said, that humans are your food. What else could that possibly mean?"
You took a quick look around at all the guys. They seemed very focused.
"You think that we eat human flesh and inner organs, but the truth is, that we don't actually eat anything."
Okay, now it didn't make any sense at all.

"When we're hungry, we must feed. We're like vampires, except that we don't live of blood. We live of human souls. Our eyes turn green and we get fangs. The only way to make it go away, is to feed. Every single human has a soul. Imagine it as a creature, a spirit flying around inside of you. When we feed, we catch that spirit and suck it out of the human body. It gives us energy, but weakens the human. Either the human will turn into a Monster, just like us, or it will die."

What? A part of you wanted to believe them, but another part didn't. It was so crazy, but it made sense as well. Also, you'd seen it by yourself. You'd seen those green eyes, the guy was talking about. It meant that they were hungry. Kai... Kai had been hungry. Hungry for you.

"As I mentioned earlier, some people know this. They don't know about us, but they know about Monsters. And their mission is to kill us and every other Monster that they find in this world. Kai suspected you. He thought, you knew about us. Don't ask me why; he just does that sometimes. It's like some sort of instinct in him."

The relief grew as you got more and more answers.

"Look, I don't know if I believe all of this. And I don't know if I ever will. The only thing, I can say is, that I need some time to think about this. And in the meantime, I just wanna go back to my hotel. The hotel that I still don't know where is. I don't even know where here is."
"If you have the name of the hotel, we can help you get home. At least, we owe you that after everything we've put you through."
The other guys nodded, except from Kai. He just looked annoyed.
"Thanks, but I just need a map or a navigator. As soon as I have that, I can easily find my way back to the hotel."
"We'll get you a map. Xiumin, Sehun... Go see if you can find one in the archives."
The two guys hurried out of the room.
"Oh, that reminds me. Who are you? You've told me everything about you, except from your names."
"As long as you don't tell the police about us, you're welcome to get a real introduction from us all."
You laughed at the comment about the police, but gathered yourself eventually. They were still strangers, and it just felt weird to 'bond' with them, like you were about to become friends.
"I won't tell the police. I promise," you said confidently, making them know that they could trust you.
"Well, we're all very good friends. We have been for a while. Some years ago, we decided to make a group - EXO. A group, that would be very careful, when it came to humans. Our goal was to fight the hunger for souls. We never wanted to hurt anyone. We still live with that goal."

"I am the leader of the group. My name is Suho. Then we have our youngest member, Sehun, who just went out to find a map for you."

"Oh, the short one?"
"No, that's Xiumin. He's the oldest member."
"Oh..." you muttered, laughing inside because of the mistake.
"Then we have Chanyeol, Lay, D.O, Chen and Baekhyun..." Suho said while pointing at them.
"Oh, and Kai... If you wondered who the guy in the hoodie last night was," he continued, and gave Kai a deadly stare. Kai just rolled his eyes again, and walked out of the hall. He didn't seem to be that happy about all the bad comments.

"Okay, so you're nine guys, am I right?" you asked, just to be sure about your statement earlier.
"That is correct. We used to be 12 though, but the three couldn't handle the pressure of being Monsters, so they chose to live their life in their own way," Suho said, suddenly changing his serious expression to sad.
"Uhm... Can you live without human souls? I mean, is it possible for you to not feed?"
That thought had been bothering you a bit.
"It is possible. That's actually, what we're doing. Our goal, as I told you about earlier; we've chosen not to feed on humans."
"But... Doesn't it affect you in some way? Not feeding, I mean," you asked, still curious.
"It does affect us. We become weaker and weaker. We don't die, but our strength and energy to fight is lowered, and of course, we're also hungry as hell... All the time, " he said desperately.

"Uhm, excuse me, Leader? What you're saying isn't the exact truth. We do feed sometimes?" the guy, who turned out to be Chanyeol, pointed out.
"You weren't supposed to say that, you idiot!" Baekhyun said loudly, so you could hear it all clearly.
"What?! You just said that you've chosen not to feed on humans? Was that just a lie, or...?" you asked, shocked because of the surprising news.

Suho sighed, and gave his death stare to the other guys as well, before he looked at you.

"I am surrounded by idiots..." he whispered, then continued.
"I'm sorry... I should've said that we've chosen not to feed on humans so often..." he said, a bit frustrated.
"So... You do feed on humans?"
"Yes. The pressure of living without any energy and strength is just too much for us. So we do feed, but we don't do it often. Even though we're really hungry, we rarely do it. And if we can handle the pressure for a longer time, we wait several months. "
He explained everything in a way, that made it seem so simple. But you knew how it felt to be hungry. Keeping yourself from eating for a whole week... You wouldn't even be able to do it for a day.

They were Monsters, but they certainly didn't act like it. They were friendly... And they were practically torturing themselves, just so they couldn't hurt humans. You were a human, but your humanity was nothing compared to theirs. Was this really how they were, or was there more to them? You didn't fully believe them. You needed proof. And you'd do anything to get it.

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