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It took some time for people to finish eating, therefore the dance began a bit later

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It took some time for people to finish eating, therefore the dance began a bit later. Some people were frustrated because of the delay, but you didn't really mind it. Actually, you hoped it would be even more delayed, as you just didn't want to dance at all. But suddenly EXO left the round table and made their way to the dancefloor, meaning only one thing: The dance was about to start.

It was simply just one dance, so how could it be that you made that much drama of it? You just had to get it over with, and the only way to do that, was to be confident and enjoy it.

EXO stood in the middle of the big dancefloor. There could be at least 100 people dancing there at the same time.

"Ladies & Gentlemen..." Suho then began.
"I hope you enjoyed this evening's lovely dinner, which hopefully have given you some energy."
People laughed a little, and Suho smiled.
"Because now, it is time for the annual tradition dance."
Suho lifted a hand to lead people to the dancefloor.
After that, he approached a girl, whom he asked to dance with. So did the other guys. They spread out to each their directions to find a girl. And of course, Kai was already standing in front of you after a few seconds.
"Are you ready?" he asked gently and put out his hand for me to grab. That was the first time, he'd actually been nice. He even smiled a little.
"I wish I was," you said, sighed deeply and placed your hand gently in his.
He looked at your hands for a few seconds, then shook his head and walked towards the dancefloor, leading you with him. The way he'd looked at your hands was a little weird.
He stopped around the middle of the dancefloor, where the other members stood ready with their partners. They formed a circle with their placements, and you and Kai were the ones to complete it.
You looked to your left to see Baekhyun laughing with a girl – his partner. Your emotions heated up inside you, but soon you ignored it. You were jealous. Why would you be that? You had to get those emotions away.
"Stand like this," Kai said, and you were almost shocked by his comment, as you were in your own thoughts for a moment. You blinked twice, and stood exactly like him. In a complete straight position – Arms down, high neck and a straightened back.
"Very well," he then said, and without even asking, he just grabbed you around the waist with his left hand and held your hand up a few centimeters from your shoulder. He looked you right in the eyes, then pulled you close to him. Your 'upper part' nearly hit his chest. You looked down to hide your blushing.
"Look up. Always have eye contact with your partner."
He said it a bit harshly, but also gently, and lifted your head up with his index finger. Again, you looked right into his eyes. What was it about him? He wasn't like this? Nice... Sweet... A gentleman? He was so sassy and always seemed like he didn't care about anything. And not to mention, earlier, at the dinner table. That creepy controlling look that he'd given you...
You shook the thought away.
Then the music began.
Kai leaned in, putting his mouth right at your ear.
"Just follow me, then you'll be okay," he whispered, pulled back and smirked.
You nodded and waited for him to take a step. Slowly, he began moving to the rhythm of the song, and you followed along. It was a slow song. Perfect for duets. It was good.
"It's a beautiful song. What's the name of it?" you asked as you danced. You'd seen people talking to each other while dancing in movies, and wanted to try it out. Just to see if it was possible to multitask.
"For Life," Kai answered briefly.
You followed his steps carefully.
"Is dance your help?" you suddenly asked.
Kai frowned.
"Excuse me?"
" It seems like it's your passion. You're so good at it and you seem nic- I mean... You seem happy, when you dance."
You inspected his face. Every single emotion that might show on his face.
"I don't have a so-called passion. I'm just good at dancing – That's it."
Now he wasn't happy anymore. Just seemed frustrated. Like you'd provoked him.
You'd discovered a part of him that no one knew about. His passion. Dance. He probably felt embarrassed about it. Why else would he not want to talk about it? Because you could see that he'd lied to you before. He wasn't just good at dancing. He loved it.
"When are you going home?" he suddenly asked to change the subject.
"From the party? I don't know... When I feel like it, I guess," you said and gave an awkward smile.
"No, not the party. I mean home as in, going back to your home country?"
You felt the need to stop dancing, but didn't as it would be very embarrassing. You'd totally forgot, that you only were on vacation for a week. And it had already been 5 days! You were going home in 2 days!
"Uhm... Sunday," you said, after which your face turned sad.
"Why the long face?" he asked jokingly.
"You didn't seem so happy to be here in the first place. So why are you sad, now that you have to go home?" he continued.
"There are some things, that I like about this place. And I'd like to keep those things. But there are also things, that I don't like, and I'd rather leave them behind."
"Let me guess – Us?" Kai said emotionlessly.
You looked up at him with a shocking expression. At some point you didn't want anything to do with them, but at the same time you did. You chose not to answer him.
"I see..." he said, and stopped as the music faded away.
The dance was over.
"Listen, can you gather the other guys? I need to speak with you all before I go home."
You said it with a little smile on your face, but Kai knew that it was fake – The smile. He nodded, and went to gather the guys.

Kai led you through a long hallway to a big conference room, where the other guys sat waiting. He'd gathered them pretty quickly. As you entered the room, you could see the confusion in their eyes. They all stared at you, wondering what you wanted to talk to them about. Kai showed you to a chair, but you shook your head.

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