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"Wow. They've really gotten themselves into quite some mess, huh?" Tao finally said after hours and hours of explanation.
Okay, it hadn't taken hours for you to explain the whole situation to him, but it certainly felt like it. Way too many details. But he seemed to get it all. Also, it was a bit easier for him to understand it this time as he now knew who and what you were talking about.

"Well... 'Seems like you have to hurry. Let's go," he said, after which he gathered his bags and suitcases, and began walking.
"Wait, where are you going?" you shouted, quickly hurrying after him.
He laughed as you came up on his side.
"'Getting you a plane ticket."
He smiled by the expression of your face – You seemed confused.
"You know... A plane ticket? The thing you need, to travel with a plane to other countries?"
He could see that you hadn't thought of that.
Of course, you needed a plane ticket! Without it, you couldn't get to South Korea. But... You didn't have any money on you. How were you supposed to afford it?
"Uhm... We can't. I don't have any money on me," you admitted with a sigh.
"Did you even listen to me?" he asked, a bit harsh, but sassy.
You frowned. Why did he say it like that?
"I said, I was going to get you a plane ticket. You don't have to pay for it."
What? He would buy you a plane ticket to South Korea? But they were crazy expensive! No, you couldn't let him do that for you. That was too much.
"No, you can't do that. As much as I appreciate it, I just don't want you to do that for me."
You smiled to show him that you meant what you'd said.
"I can and I will," he just said, completely ignoring your words, and walked over to place himself in a line of people.
He was impressively confident. You didn't know if he was who he said he was – if you could trust him – but he seemed so nice and helpful, that you just couldn't get yourself to think that he was lying.
"Hey, even though I'm paying for your ticket, you still have to wait in line with me."
He crossed his arms, and probably made some sassy eyes through those dark sunglasses.
As you walked over to join him in the line, he gave you a little smirk.
"There's a lot of people here. We'll have to set off an hour or two."
Omg, you hadn't even noticed the line. It was so long. And even the people in the front seemed frustrated to be there.

But you should be even more frustrated. You had matter of life and death! The flight would already take a few hours, then getting out of the airport would probably also swallow quite some time... You just didn't have time for this!

"You alright? You look... a bit sick," Tao asked, concerned.
"I'm fine. Just... Have a lot on my mind."
"You sure? You really don't look fine."
"Yeah, I'm sure..." you lied.
But you could see that Tao didn't believe you.
"Hey... If you're scared that you won't make it in time – Don't be. You still have a day left."
What? How did he know that? It's like he could see right through you...
"How- How did you know that's what I was thinking?"
He laughed by your words. You seemed so confused.
"Your expression gave you away," he said, sending you a little smirk.
"Also... I'm pretty good at reading people. You kind of learn that when you're a Monster. You never know if you can trust someone."

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