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You woke up in your bed

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You woke up in your bed. Your own bed. In your hotel room. For a moment, everything that had happened, seemed like it was just a dream. But it wasn't. And you knew that it wasn't, because... because what? What proof did you have that it wasn't a dream, other than your own memory? But your memory wasn't enough. It was in your mind. And your mind could've just made something up.

You jumped out of the bed, and realized, that you were still wearing the clothes from yesterday. You'd probably been too tired to change into a pajama. The smell from the clothes was hideous; a shower was definitely needed.

It didn't take long before you were ready. Black jeans, a cool top, some pretty boots, and you were ready to go. But... Go where? You didn't have anything planned for the day. Neither did you know what to do... 'Well, I guess I'll just have to relax, then. Where's my phone?' you thought as you began searching around the room. 

'My phone, my phone, my phone... Where did I put my phone?' you kept thinking as you moved pillows and magazines, that might be covering it.

'Oh, yes, that's right. It went out of battery the other day, so it's probably just charging.'

You went over to a little table beside the bed, where your phone usually laid charging. But it wasn't there either.
'Where in the world did I put my phone?!' you thought, getting a little anxious now.
You gave up the searching, and began thinking instead. Where was the last time you'd had it? The attack! It had just gone out of battery, before you were attacked by Kai the other night. That meant, that either you'd dropped it in the little alley, where you'd been attacked, or... or EXO were in possession of it. The alley was what you hoped the most for.

You were out of the building in no time, and practically ran over the roads. Your phone played a big role in your life, so losing it was a dumb move. You'd become better at reading maps and finding your way through the city, so it only took a few minutes to get to the alley. Or to be a little more specific, it took about half an hour. But you made it, and just as you were there, you started searching for your phone. It was a bit scary to walk around at the place, where you'd almost been killed... But the fact, that it was day, made it a little less scary. You could more of the surroundings.

10 minutes went by, and there was no sight of your phone. You continued your searching; 20 minutes... 30 minutes... How could you even handle searching for that long? You sat down on the ground, and bumped your back head against the wall in agony. Your phone was gone. And that wasn't even the worst part of it all. Now you only had one option left. To go ask EXO, if they'd seen your phone. You didn't really want to, but there was nothing else to do. Yes, you could just buy a new phone, but at the same time... You couldn't afford that. 'EXO it is, then...' you thought as you still sat on the ground, now bumping your back head a bit harder against the wall.

"Are you alright?" someone suddenly asked. One look up, and your eyes met the sight of a tall guy with messy, brown hair. His face was angelic. Pure. And gosh, the eyes. His cuteness as well was not to be mistaken.
"Baek-hun?" you asked curiously, hoping not to be wrong.
"It's pronounced Baekhyun. Not Bacon," he corrected. Awkward...
"Sorry... I'm not very good at Korean names..."
Baekhyun laughed for a moment, then walked over to sit beside you.
"Ha ha, don't worry. You'll learn it, " he said, smiling at you. Damn... His smile. Everything about him was just appealing.
"So... What are you doing here?" you asked, actually wondering. Did he watch you? Did they watch you? Stalk you?
"Oh, I was just out for a walk through the city. Usually, I don't have time, because of work, but today I had. Thought, I at least could enjoy the sunny weather."
He smiled again, then looked up at the sky. The sun made his eyes glow, almost blinding you.
"Work? What kind of work?"
His smile turned into a straight face. It probably wasn't the most exciting subject.
"Just some stuff that I take care of. We all have different kind of things that we do. Nothing special," he said, making it sound like it wasn't anything serious. But you knew better. Though, you didn't want to bother him with that now.
"What are you doing here, actually?" he then asked, just to change the subject.
"Well, I was looking for my phone. But I can't find it."
You sighed, as you bumped your head against the wall again.
"Oh... This is a bit awkward, but... I think we may have it," he said, and made an awkward, but cute face.
"You think you may have it?" you asked sarcastically.
"Uhhhm... We kind of took it from you, so we could be sure that you wouldn't contact anyone. You know... For help and stuff."
Baekhyun smiled a bit again, but immediately stopped, as he could see that you weren't happy.
"Well, can I get it back? That phone is my life, and I can't live another day without it!" you said loudly, making him know, that it was important to you. Silly you, it was just a phone... The only social device you had, so it was kind of important.
"I'll ask the boys as soon as I get back. You'll get your phone back, I promise. And I'm sorry, that we took it. We just needed to protect ourselves," he said, after which he stood up.
He offered you his hand to get up, but you just dusted off your pants, and stood up yourself. His reaction was a bit funny. It didn't seem like he'd been rejected by a girl before.
"It's alright. I understand, why you took it. I'd probably done the same, if I was to be in your situation."

You looked around the area. It was a little awkward, just standing there, with a guy... A very handsome guy.

"Well, I'd better get home now," you said, just to break the awkwardness.
"Oh, yes... Of course. Do you need any help?"
Oh no... He offered you help. Should you accept it? No... He was too sweet to reject, but you had to. This guy was dangerous. All of them were.
"No, thanks. I think, I've figured out how to get around the city now. Or... At least just how to get back to my hotel," you said with a little chuckle afterwards.
Baekhyun's expression changed into something different. Something that seemed... Sad. Did he enjoy your company? Did he like you? 'No! You're too hasty, Y/N!'
"Well, I'll probably see you around... Sooner or later."
You turned around, and took a few steps away from him. Then you turned to face him again.
"And hey... Don't forget my phone," you said very seriously, and pointed at him. A little smile appeared on his face as he realized, you were just messing with him.
"I won't. Do you think you can come and get it, tomorrow?" he asked, sounding very desperate to seeing you again.
"It depends... Do you think you can get it from the other boys?" you asked him, joking a bit again.
He laughed. Omg, his laugh was incredible. Did he even have any mistakes?
"If not, I'll just take it anyway. I happen to know some places, where it may be."
This time, you both laughed. It wasn't good... You were starting to bond with him. You had to get home. Fast.
"Tomorrow, it is, then," you said, as you turned to walk out of the alley.
"See ya, Y/N..." he shouted after you.
Even his voice was pure. Delicate...
How did he know your name?

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