Prologue | No Bullshit

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Mariah's POV

"Mariah, are you sure he's coming?"Taylor asked as we stood in the parking lot.

"Yeah girl, he's just running a little late."

"Okay. Call me later alright boo."

"Kay."I said. I watched as she got in her car and drove off.

I met Taylor about a month ago and already she's become the sister/best friend I've always wanted. I met her and her and fiance Trey, at our child birthing class. She's six months pregnant and I'm eight and a half. Trey goes to EVERY session and my boyfriend Rodney refuses to go to one.

Rodney and I have been dating for two years. We met my first year in college which was his last year before graduating. He was taking business classes and I was taking marketing classes. When our relationship started getting serious he convinced me to drop out so he could take care of me and I'd never have to work a day in my life.

I was young and stupid at the time so that sounded like a good idea to me so I did. My parents hated me for that and they practically disowned me for that. Rodney and I were living the good life. He was bringing home alot of money and I was just shopping and fucking him until I got pregnant.

Living with Rodney has its ups and downs. Like he when he gets angry he gets ANGRY. He hits me and shit but he's not "abusive". I know when I run my mouth is really when he gets pissed so I try to stay calm when I'm heated.

Rodney also likes to sneak around with this hoe from his office named Christina. That bitch just doesn't know when to quit. She'll be texting him at 3 in the morning asking him to come eat her out. I would have fought her a long time if I wasn't pregnant. As for Rodney, he knows I won't leave because I have to education, job, or family, and on top of that I couldn't leave knowing I'm carrying his seed.

Rodney is always late to picking me up from my classes and I already know where the fuck he's been. When he pulled up in his white Escalade, I got in and mugged the shit outta him as he drove us home.

"What?"he asked.

"Why were you late this time Rodney?"

"I wasn't that late."

"You're a fucking HOUR late!"

"Hop off my dick Mariah."

"You were with her weren't you?"

"Who? I was at work."

"My ass! I can smell her cheap perfume ALL over your damn body."

"You can't say other peoples' stuff are cheap if I pay for EVERYTHING you have."

"Only because you told be to quit school!"

"Here we go again...... Look can you stop bitchin for five minutes I got a headache."

"Bitching? You don't wanna go to any of my classes, fine. You can't pick me up on time, okay. But the fact that you can't do any of those because your sleeping with her, fuck you! Fuck you Rodney."

H e parked his car in our driveway and looked at me angrily,"You gon stop talkin to me any kind of way.You hear me?"

I faced him,"Or what. You ain't gon do shit ! You keep tryna act like you so hard. Fuck outta here. Bitch ass nig-"


"I'm warning you Mariah. Watch your fucking mouth." he said then walked into the large million dollar house.

Oh hell naw! I wiped the ONE tear that escaped my eye then got out of the car and stomped into our house.

I walked straight to the living room and saw him sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Yo when you gon make dinner I'm starving."he said without looking away from the screen.

"When you grow a vagina"I mumbled.

"What was that?" he said getting up and walking over to me.

"I'll make dinner whenever the fuck I feel like it." I said to him.

He chuckled,"You ungrateful-"

"What! Ungrateful what! I'm here eight and a half months pregnant with your child after you just slapped me in the car for no fucking reason. Rodney you should be making dinner for me!"

He stared at me in disbelief.

"You know what, I'll go out to eat. I don't need you. I'm so fucking tired of your bullshit!" he said grabbing his car keys.

"You out to eat your bitches pussy again? Go ahead!"

He turned around and back handed me so hard I fell to the floor and landed on the side of my stomach. A tremendous amount of pain shot through my body causing me to start screaming.

I felt a warm liquid run down my legs and when I looked down I saw that it was blood and I began CRYING.

"Oh shit!"Rodney said then he picked me up bridal style and led me to the car. He drove me to the nearest hospital and they took me into the emergency room.

I had to go into labor prematurely even though it was only by a couple of weeks early. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and thank you Jesus he was born 100% healthy. I decided to name him Tyson Michael Jones. He had Rodney's last name but definitely NOT his first.

Once Taylor had heard the news she and Trey rushed to the hospital to visit me and the baby. My child birthing instructor even came to visit me and after three days I was finally discharged. Since the day of Rodney and I's fight, I hadn't seen him after he dropped me off here at the hospital so Taylor sent Trey to drop me and Tyson off at home.

The ride home was extremely silent because I was busy thinking about how to deal with Rodney's dumb ass who could have cost me our child's life. When we reached the house, Trey helped me out of the car and held Tyson as we walked to the front door.

A big orange envelope with my name written on it was taped to the door so I took it off then opened it. I pulled out a handwritten letter from Rodney that said:


I hope you and the baby are okay. Sorry I couldn't be there and for putting my hands on you like that. As much as Iv'e tried, I just can't do 'Us' anymore. Don't worry, because I will take care of you and my child and I wanna be in his life regardless of what has happened between me and you. Life is just hitting me hard in more ways than one. I'm in Miami for a business trip this weekend and I won't be back until Monday. Since me and you are over I thought it would be best if you moved out. Inside this envelope are the keys and address to your new condo. I had movers move all your things as well as the baby's. Sorry I had to do things this way but it was for the best.


I stared at the letter in shock as tears began streaming down my face uncontrollably and I was shaking.

"Mariah, what happened?"Trey asked

I handed him the note and fell to the floor crying as hard as I could. He was still holding Tyson so with his free hand he grabbed my arm and hugged me.

"It's okay. Do you want me to take you there?"he asked me.

I nodded. We got into his car and he drove us to our new home. I gotta say it was really nice but I hated the fact that I was here alone to raise our son as a single mother.

I set Tyson in his already set up crib then looked around the condo. It was pre-stocked with food, toiletries, and anything I could possibly need for the two us. I looked back to the envelope and reached inside and found a credit card with my name on it and three thousand dollars in cash. His ass was planning this from the jump.

I walked back into my room and looked at my son before laying on my bed to cry as I thought bout what the future might bring.

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