Epilogue | No Bullshit

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Chris' POV

"Chris.",Mariah said.

I ignored her and my eyes remained shut.

"Chris! Wake up!"

"Mmm? I'm awake."I slurred.

"Chris, wake up. I just wanna talk."she said softly.

"This early? Can't it wait?"


I sighed and turned around in the bed and looked at her and yawned,"What?"

She sat up in the bed and said,"Okay, so as you know in my last relationship I got pregnant and Rodney was a complete dickhead to me. I mean, I know you're Chris Brown and you have a lot you have to do especially with your album coming out soon, but I just wanna know if you're gonna be there. Like, I just wanna know if you're gonna put a hundred percent in not only this marriage but this family that we're building."

I wiped my hand over my face and sighed,"Mariah, one thing you can count on for sure is my commitment. I'm not Rodney, I'm not gonna beat on you, I'm not gonna cheat on you, but one thing I AM gonna do is love you. Aight?"

She nodded,"I guess I'm just a little scared. I know I can trust you but I wanna be sure of everything."

"I understand. My album drop's in two weeks, you know what that means right?"

"Yep, Chyna and Taylor told me that means you'll be traveling for all your promos and then tours will be soon."

"Yeah, but just think, you can use all that time to plan out the perfect wedding. As big as you want it."

"I don't care about all that."

"You don't? Then what do you want?"

"Even if we just went to the courthouse I'd be happy. All of the extra shit means nothing to me."

"Yeah but wouldn't you like to have a nice big wedding with all your girls and your dad walking you down the aisle?"I scratched the back of my neck.

"If that's what you want then we can do it but I don't really need to be stressing over all the planning shit. Now is NOT the time to be doing all that."

"So then what are you saying?"

The room was silent for a minute and she leaned on my arm and smiled widely,"Let's go get married."

"When? Today?"I asked with wide eyes.

She nodded.

"You sure Mariah? Like, are you sure?"

"Yeah. We can drive to Vegas, it's only like four hours away."

"You're serious? Aight, if that's what you wanna do, then it's cool with me."

I personally don't have a problem with this at all. I'm just not sure if my mom is gonna like this. I know she'll wanna have a hand in planning my wedding but if my soon to be wife doesn't want a big wedding and wants to go to the courthouse then that's something she;s just gonna have to deal with.

I placed my hand on Mariah stomach and smiled. My seed is sitting inside there right now. I can't wait to be a dad."So, is it a lil nigga up in there or nah?"

She giggled,"Shut up! I'm hoping it's a girl. Then I'd name her Lauren Faith Brown."

"Mm, I like that but why she gotta have your middle name?"

"Because if it's a boy, I feel like you'd give him a name similar to yours. This is my chance to give her a piece of me."

"What if it were twins huh?"

"Chris I don't know! It better not be twins, that'll be twice the pain and your head is huge so that'll make me be in a wheelchair for life!"

"Aw, but you like my head."he smirked.

"Yes, big and blonde is so cute!",she joked.

"Nah, not that kinda head."I said going under the comforter and pulling down the hem of her pajama shorts.

"Chris I-"Mariah started,"Ah fuck!"

"Yeah, this is MY pussy baby.",I said putting in work on this pussy no practice.

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