Chapter 19 | No Bullshit

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Chris' POV

"That's no way to talk to your parents Mariah.", her dad said.

"Mm, mija you've grown so much. Come here,"her mom said walking towards her with her arms wide open.

Mariah put her hand up to stop her,"DON'T touch me."

Her parents looked shocked. I don't know why they came but after everything Mariah told me about them, I can see why she's acting so acting so hostile towards them. Mariah dug her and into her bag and pulled out her keys and unlocked the front door and stormed inside. I awkwardly walked to the door but I was stopped by her dad,"Chris,"he stuck his hand out and shook mine,"my name is David Jeffries and this is my wife Ana. I'm quite a fan of your music."

I smiled,"Thank you sir."

"Please, call me Dave."

I nodded,"Okay."

"I understand you are seeing my daughter."

I nodded.

"Well I was hoping you could help me out with a favor."

"What kind of favor?",I asked with a confused look.

"My wife and I have been trying to reconnect with Mariah for a while now and as you can see, she wants nothing to do with us."

"Well Mr. Jeffrie-"


"Dave, I hear what your saying, but it's gonna take some time to get through to her."

"Chris,"Mrs. Jeffries pleaded,"do you know what it's like to lose contact with your only child for six years and to not even set your eyes on your grandchild? It hurts. I know we messed up but we're willing to do WHATEVER it takes to get her to trust us. We just wanna be a part of her life again."

I sighed,"Okay, I'll help y'all."

Dave smiled and shook my hand again,"Thank you Chris."

His wife sighed in relief and said,"Si, gracias."

Dave dug into his jacket pocket and handed me a business card and said,"Here's my number. Call me when she's ready."

I looked down at the card and then back at them. I nodded and watched as they held hands and walked away. My eyes glued to Mariah's mom's ass. She got some serious cakes though. Got damn! I see where Mariah gets her ass from. I smiled to myself as I stepped inside Mariah's place.

She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth and when she finished she walked over to the kitchen and poured herself a drink. She gulped down a full glass of Hennessy right before my eyes.

"Take it easy Mariah."I said taking the glass away from her and placing it in the sink.

"I'm fine. You still got a blunt on you?"she asked.

"I thought you said you don't smoke."

"Yeah well there's a first forever everything. Is that a no?"


"Stop what? If you don't have one then can we at least fuck?"

I flared my nostrils and clenched my jaws,"Is that how you handle your problems? You have sex with me?"

She cocked her head to the side,"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know, it seems like every time your stressed or angry about something, THAT'S when you wanna get intimate. Do you even love me?"

"Are you really questioning me about that right now?"

"Just answer the fucking question. I'm not gonna continue putting in 150% in this relationship and you can't even put in 10."

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