Chapter 7 | No Bullshit

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Chris' POV

*The Next Night*

Turns out Mama called us out to dinner last night to tell us she is going to New York for two weeks to visit some old friends. She's leaving the day after tomorrow and hopefully by the time she comes back me and Mariah are together.

After a long day of preparations, I hopped in my black Lambo and drove over to Mariah's Condo to pick her up for our date. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell and waited until my mom opened the door and welcomed me inside.

"Oh baby you look soo handsome!"she smiled.

I kissed her forehead,"Thanks Mama. Where's Tyson at?"

"He's in the living room watching a movie or something."

I nodded then walked over to him and the second he saw me he crinkled his nose and glared at me. For some odd reason this kid actually hates me.

"What's up Little Man?"I said putting my hand up for a high five. He didn't return the gesture so I awkwardly put my hand down.

"What are YOU doing here?"he asked.

"I'm here to take your mom out to dinner."

"Why does she have to leave to eat? There's food in the fridge."

"Well, I want it to be.... special."

He shook his head,"I don't."

"Why not?"I asked slightly offended.

"Because I don't like you!"

This kid is like what? Three? Four years old and he's talking like a grown ass man. A lot of kids like me so I started getting curious on why he doesn't like me.

"Why?"I asked.

"Because you're a meanie! Mommy is nice and your mean!"

Sure, NOW he sounds like a little kid. But really, what is this kids fucking problem? It's really starting to piss me off.

"No Tyson, you got it all wrong. I'm not a mean guy. I'm a good guy who just wants to take your mom out to have a little fun."I reassured.

"Liar! You're mean like my daddy!"he yelled staring me directly in the eyes.

I squatted down to his level and said,"Look kid, I don't know you're daddy and I don't wanna be like him."

"Uh- huh"

"Nu- uh"

"Uh- huh"he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Nu- uh!"

"Please tell me you two aren't really having an argument." a voice said as they walked into the living room.

I stood up and Tyson and I both turned around and stared at none other than the beautiful, stunning, sexy, Mariah Jeffries herself.

Tyson ran over to her and hugged her legs and said,"You look pretty mommy."

She picked him up and kissed his cheek,"Thank you baby." then she set him down.

I walked over to her and she gave me a hug and I looked at her from head to toe,"Mariah, you look beautiful."

She blushed and said,"Thank you Chris! You look really nice too."

"Thanks. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." she turned to Tyson and squatted down to Tyson's level and said,"Tyson, you be a good boy for Mama J okay?"

He nodded and Mariah said,"Now gimme a kiss." He kissed her cheek then she stood up and I placed a hand on her waist to lead her out to my car. Just before we left the living room, I felt a kick on my left leg so I turned around around and saw Tyson laughing and then he stuck his tongue out at me again. This kid is going to give me trouble, I can tell.

Taylor's POV

This is the third fucking date he's "forgotten" in the past month. I don't understand what the hell is his problem anyways. Trey has been coming home late quite often, missing dates, and sometimes he doesn't return my calls. The thought of him cheating has crossed my mind a few times but I don't wanna start some shit that may or may be even happening. You feel me?

Trey promised to take me out to this new restaurant that opened last week that everyone has been talking about. It's not even the fact that we didn't go out, it's the fact that he's not here or couldn't even call to cancel. I'm not going to take this lightly when he comes home. He's over TWO motherfucking hours late!

When he it was an hour past our scheduled date, I told the baby sitter to just go home since I already had a feeling he would be late.

I waited on the couch in the living room and sat there watching Big Momma's House 2 on BET. The movie ended around 11:30 which was the time I heard the sound of keys opening the front door. I watched angrily as he slowly walked into the room. This nigga had the fucking nerve to say,"What's up bae?"

I flipped him the bird and got up from the couch and marched up the stairs and headed to our bedroom. He followed me to our room and closed the door behind him then grabbed my arm before Iasked,"What'd I do wrong?"

I picked up my red bottoms and threw them at him but unfortunately he ducked and missed them both. Instead of hitting him them hit the wall and made a loud noise,"What is your problem woman! Are you TRYING to wake up our daughter?"

"Trey, this is the third date you've forgotten about in the last month! So don't ask me what MY problem is! What the hell is YOUR problem!"

His face fell in realization and he wiped his face then spoke,"Listen, Taylor I'm so-"

"Save it!"I said then I walked into our walk-in closet and started taking of my dress and began putting my pajamas on.

"I'm sorry! I had so much shit going on down in the office today I-"

"Trey I am..... SO fucking tired of these same lame ass excuses. What's wrong? Are you ashamed of me? Your family?"

"Of course not why would you even think that?"he asked.

I answered,"I-I don't even know anymore Trey. But what I DO know is that you can go sleep on the couch. Don't even THINK about using a guest room!"

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