Chapter 22 | No Bullshit

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Mariah's POV

"There you go Mariah. Now look away from the camera. That's it! Perfect!" The photographer instructed,"Okay, we got all the shots we needed. You can go now."

I flashed him a smile and walked off the set. I walked inside the main building and headed towards the dressing rooms. We're outside in this cold and windy ass weather in November for Draya's bikini catalog. I was inches from my dressing room but I stopped when I saw Taylor.

"Hey Taylor, you look cute!"I smiled greeting her with a hug.

She smiled,"Thank you, so do you."

"Thanks. I'm about to change and head home so call me when you get done okay?"

"Alright. Hey, have you heard from Chris lately?"

"Nope, I'm not even checkin for his ass. Why?"

"I just haven't heard from him in a few days. So, you're like OVER Chris? Completely?"

"We'll not completely but I don't want anymore drama so I'll get over him soon. Hopefully."

She stared at me with a blank expression," Why are you so mad at him?"

"I'm not mad."

She stared at me in disbelief.

"Well not anymore. I'm over all these men acting like little kids. If they grew the fuck up life would be so much better."

"Don't let your pride get in the way of the relationship you have with Chris."


"Oh whatever Mariah, you and I both know that deep down you still wanna be with Chris."

"And thanks to dumb ass and his bitch Robyn, we'll never know what COULD'VE been now will we? Look, I've had a long day and I just wanna go home and eat."

She sighed,"Alright, have a good day."

"Thanks girl."I said walking into my dressing room and changing back into my

Just as I was slipping on my shoes, Chyna called me. Her wedding is next month and she ALWAYS has me running around town with her to finalize things for the big day.

I answered her call,"Hello?"

"Hey Boo. You busy?"

"Nah, I'm heading home from my photo shoot."

"Would you mind stopping by my house first, something went wrong with the centerpieces and I need your opinion on them."

"Uh yeah sure", I sighed.

"Thanks boo. See ya soon."she hung up.

I groaned and put my phone back into my PINK bag. I shouldn't even be complaining. I AM the bridesmaid so it's my job to help her at times like this. I grabbed all my shit and left the dressing room and walked over to my car in the parking lot. I hopped inside and drove over to Chyna and Tyga's house.

I walked over to the front door and rang the doorbell. I waited and shivered as the cool November wind swept past me. Tyga answered the door and welcomed me inside with a hug.

"Aye how you doin Mariah?"

" I'm good thank you. Is Chyna here? She called me over for an opinion on something."

"Yeah. She's um out by the pool."

In this cold ass weather? I hope this isn't gonna take very long. I walked into their HUGE backyard and looked around and my eyes rolled when I saw Chris walking towards me with his hands stuffed in his pockets. I turned around and saw Tyga and Chyna standing in the doorway.

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