Chapter 27 | No Bullshit

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Chris' POV

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Michael Nguyen-Stevenson and Angela Simone White in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly." the pastor began the wedding ceremony.

I stood by Mike with my hands behind my back and Mariah stood over by Chyna with a wide grin on her face. She looked so beautiful, Chyna too but I was looking at how sexy Mariah looked in her long . Her smile and her eyes were shining brighter than the diamonds that hung down from her ears.

She looked over at me and we made eye contact and I flashed her a smile and winked. She blushed and looked down. It was hard for me to tell how she feeling at the moment so I tried to focus back onto the ceremony.

"Our Father, love has been Your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between a man and woman which matures into marriage is one of Your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service. Protect, guide, and bless Michael and Angela in their marriage. Surround them and us with Your love now and always. Amen. It is now time for the vows."

Mike softly held Chyna's hand and he looked as if he spoke from the heart and said,"When I'm alone all I'm thinking about is my girl.
Your smile, your pretty face, and them beautiful browns eyes that seem to shine through all the wrongs in my life. I love the way you talk, walk, dress......everything about you is flawless. You and I created a beautiful son together and with time....I wanna create a big beautiful family but only with as my queen. I'm in love with you Angela White, also known as Chyna, and I couldn't picture my life going any further with out youas my wife. I wanna make the wrongs right, all things aside, swallow our pride
And just love each other all the time. I you got me and I got you, what else could really matter? But lovin' that's what it's all about till death does us part."

I nodded at his words. Dope as hell and touching too, he could use that in a song if he wanted. My eyes roamed over to Mariah who was wiping tears from her eyes. What is with these women and weddings? They all be crying their eyes out all the time.

Chyna smiled and she wiped a tear that fell from her eye,"Michael Ray Stevenson, from the moment I met you I KNEW you were going to change my life for nothing but the better. And you have, in more ways than you think. I can wake up in the mornings with you by my side and just know that I'm safe and that somebody truly cares and loves me back the way I do for them. You got me off the pole and encouraged me to start bigger and better things. You made me realize that I can be somebody. Somebody important. The feelings I have for you are out of this world. You are perfect in every way and I just wanna spend every minutes of my life standing next you as Mrs.Michael Stevenson. I love you."

Alright after that, I had to wipe the two or three tears that fell out of MY eyes. Mariah was a mess but she struggled to keep it together but I had to give her props because she was only noticeable if you stared directly at her.

"Do we have the rings?",the pastor asked.

"Oh!",I said pulling out the ring from my vest pocket and handing it to Mike and Mariah pulled out a ring from her clutch bag then handed it to Chyna.

"I Michael Stevenson, give you Angela White, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.",Michael said.

"And I, Angela White give you Michael Stevenson this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."Chyna replied.

"By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride".the pastor smiled.

The entire room erupted in loud cheers as Michael and and Chyna kissed each other as newlyweds. I smiled and clapped for them and as they looked at all their guests with huge smiles plastered on their faces and the musical chords of 'The Wedding March' played through the room as they held hands and walked out of the church.

I walked up to Mariah and wiped away her tears then wrapped my arm around her waist and led her out of the room along with the rest of the groomsmen and bridesmaids. I was just ready to get turnt up and dance all night with Mariah. We headed over to the reception hall that was across the street while the Mike and Chyna went over to the hotel to freshen up.

As Mariah and I walked into the building she seemed kind of off today so I asked,"You okay?"

"Yeah! Why do you ask?",she said nervously.

"You gon try another lie or tell me the truth this time?"

"I said I'm fine Chris."

I put my hands up in defense,"Aight, but you know you can tell me anything right?"

she nodded,"Yeah."

"Good. Now let's go so you can shake ya ass for me."

She laughed and shook her head. I really hope she is okay or isn't keeping anything from me. Or maybe I'm just tripping and it's nothing. I shrugged it off and made my way inside.

Mariah's POV

All the guests arrived to the grand reception ball room and the entire place was decked out in complete Last Kings decor. I'm talking white and gold everywhere, pharaoh looking mummies, and pyramids. Chyna and Tyga walked into the ballroom and everyone cheered for them as they made their way to the dance floor.

Chyna and Michael had their first dance and then they danced with their parents. After that, the DJ had the reception in full swing and the music he had playing had everybody on their feet dancing. I was sitting at a table checking through my phone and looking at all the pictures I had taken today.

I never been so happy for any of my friends like this before. I'm so happy I've been crying the whole day and now I can't cry anymore. Chyna changed into that was beyond stunning. She has a creative and beautiful sense of style and I hope that whenever I walk down the aisle she will be there to help me pick out EVERYTHING.

The other day I received an invitation to Rodney and Christina's wedding. Oh God. I think I'll go, because that's the only way things between us will get better. That was actually the first time I've heard from him since we left the courtroom and that's fine with me. Less drama, less stress.

As I looked around the ballroom, I spotted a whole bunch of celebrities and I immediately got excited. I saw Lil Wayne, Birdman, Nicki, basically all of Young Money. There were SO many famous people in one room, I felt like fainting but it's good thing I didn't.

Chris had taken off his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and he walked over to me smiling with a bottle of GreyGoose and poured into a glass for himself and he looked at me and smiled,"Want some?"

Tell him, now is your chance! I shook my head,"No, I don't think I'll be drinking tonight. Thanks anyways."

"Why you ain't drinkin?"

I shrugged and came up with a lie,"Uh, you know. I want you to have fun and do whatever, and I'll just be the designated driver tonight so you go drink and have fun."

He furrowed his eyebrows,"Mariah....... Mariah?"

I was tryna zone him out but it wasn't working he is just to smart for all of that,"Chris, I just don't wanna drink okay! Now stop fucking bothering me, God!"

He kissed his teeth,"Your little attitude is really getting old but I'm not even gonna get started on that because you know damn well this isn't the time nor the place to be dealing with your bullshit."he gave me one last look and walked away from the table I was sitting at.

I looked down and sighed. Once again, I had another outburst. It's a shame because I feel bad about it and he probably thinks I'm just being a bitch to him but he just doesn't know. I have to tell him now before it messes up our wonderful relationship.

I tried my best to shake it off and force a smile on my face them made my way to the dance floor to dance with my best friend on her day.

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