2. Mentors

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"Do you think we'll be getting our assignments today?" Riley asks, leaning against my locker while I grab my things for class.

"I hope so" I reply honestly. The sooner we got our shadow assignments the sooner I could get started on this project. I had to ace it or else my dreams of university in the fall were over.

"Maya Hunter excited for a school project?" Riley asks in disbelief. "You feeling okay peaches?" I roll my eyes at her as the warning bell rings.

"I'm fine Riles. Just really wanna get this over with" I add honestly as we make our way to class. The classroom is filled to the brim with people when we arrive, students filling the desks and adults lined up against the walls. "Why are all these people here?" I ask in confusion as we take our seats.

"They're some of the mentors" Lucas explains, turning to face me. "A few of them are here to explain their jobs. It's like an impromptu career day." I nod in understanding, taking a look around the room and trying to guess some of the careers of the people around me. I'm on my third person who I believed to be a marine biologist because of the obscene amount of fish theme clothing she was wearing when Ms. Norton interrupts my thoughts.

"Good morning class" she smiles. "Today you will be getting your assignments that will detail who you will be shadowing for the next month. But before we dive into that" she says, sharing a laugh with the marine biologist. I roll my eyes. "These lovely people have volunteered to tell you a little about some of the careers you'll be diving into" she adds. I sigh as one of the men begin talking.

I end up half right in my predictions. The fish lady was a marine biologist and the guy with a chef hat was a chef. Go figure. Right before dismissal we recieve our assignments. I look down at mine and smile. It surely wasn't the worst assignment I could've gotten stuck with.

Police officer at NYPD. Ride along.

~ 🚔 ~

"Dude how could you not tell me that you and Talia are getting married?" I complain, leaning against the open door of my partner's office.

"Did I forget to mention that?" he replies making me roll my eyes. "Dude look I just didn't want to rub it in" he says making me avert my eyes to the coffee mug in my hand. My partner was of course referring to my ex, Sophie. She was my everything and I thought she was my soulmate. The night I had planned to propose I came home to find her in bed with my college roommate. I pawned the ring and got myself a nice one bedroom in the heart of the city.

"I'm over Sophie" I argue. It had been a little over six months since our spilt and in that time I spent a total of ten days going to bars, getting drunk, and hooking up but it didn't take long to get my shit together. I was in a good place and beyond ready to jump back into the dating game.

"I know" Nick replies, putting his hands up in surrender. "But still. I asked her like a week after your breakup. It wasn't the right time" he shrugs.

"I guess" I give, taking a long sip of my coffee.

"So" he says, changing the subject. "When do you meet this high schooler?" he asks curiously, leaning back in his chair.

"Monday" I reply, not bothering to hide the tinge of annoyance I felt towards the whole thing.

"You don't sound too happy" he chuckles.

"It's not that" I sigh. "It's just that it's hard enough being out in the field without having to watch your own six and someone else's."

"I guess" he shrugs. "I just hope for your sake it's not some brat."

"Me too" I grumble.

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