22. Tough Decisions

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"Baby girl" my mom shakes me awake the next morning. My eyes flutter open and find my mom looking back at me.

"Hi mama" I reply softly. She smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What are you doing on the couch?" she asks softly. I avert my eyes, trying to ignore the question but my mom is insistent. "Baby girl I'm worried. Does this have something to do with Josh?" she asks. My head whips up and I immediately shake my head.

"Of course not" I insist. "It's-." I pause, I wasn't sure that telling my mom the truth was smart but I couldn't keep this from her. "It's Aiden."

She quirks an eyebrow at me. "Aiden?"

"He might be a little upset that I busted him" I confess. "And now it's like I see him every where. I'm terrified of him getting to me."

My mom's face clouds over with worry but she tries to push it away as she scoots closer to me. "It's gonna be okay baby girl. Your dad and I aren't gonna let anything happen to you" she assures me.

"Thanks mama" I smile as I look over to the cable box to check the time. If I didn't get up now I'd be late. "I gotta get ready for school."

"Are you sure you wanna go? You can stay home today" she suggests. I smile but shake my head.

"I'm gonna go. I wanna go" I clarify as I climb off the couch and head to my bedroom to get ready.

~ 🚔 ~

"Good morning" Tiffany, one of the detectives smiles as I head to the break room for a cup coffee.

"Morning Tiff" I reply politely. She was the only woman on the force who didn't fawn all over me, though that may have something to do with the fact that she was happily engaged to a paramedic named Alison.

"Have you seen Zeke?" she questions. "He lost a bet with me and promised me cremé brule." I laugh as I pour my cup and take a sip.

"I don't know" I reply, gazing around. "I know he was following a lead in a case. He was thinking about bringing in a suspect. You might wanna check interrogation" I suggest.

"Good thinking" she smiles, plucking a donut from the box. "See you later Matthews."

"See ya Edwards" I reply as I head to my office. I close the door behind myself and sneak in behind my desk. I put down my mug and boot up my computer as a knock sounds on my door. Brianna appears in the doorway.

"Hi" she snips. "Aaron is here" she says making me whip my head up in shock. Aaron was the head of the DEA."

"What is he doing here?" I ask confused. Brianna shrugs.

"The hell if I know. All I know is he's looking for you" she adds.

"Alright" I reply, rubbing my neck as I pick up my mug, taking a long sip before rising out of my chair. "Thanks Bri."

"Whatever" she grumbles as she walks away. I sigh, rolling my eyes as I leave my office, spotting Aaron standing against the doorway of rhe Sargeant's office. When he turns around his eyes land on me and my heart jumps into my throat. I had no idea why he wanted to talk to be and I was beyond nervous.

"Matthews" Aaron smiles as he walks towards me. "You got a second?" he asks. I nod, leading him into my office. I move to sit behind my desk while he sits in front in the seat to the right. "So" he starts. "The bust of the biggest dealer in the city is quite impressive" he says.

"It was nothing" I shrug. "Just another day on the job."

"Cops don't make those sort of arrests everyday. Hell my agents don't make those sort of arrests everyday" he says seriously. "How'd you do it?" he asks. I try not to fidget or move in any way that would give me away. I wasn't about to sell out Maya.

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