8. Criminal Records

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The next morning I wake up and my mind immediately fills with thoughts of Josh. I sigh, pushing my hair back from my face. Today's ride along would certainly be interesting. I was sure that Josh would have some questions and I wasn't sure I wanted to answer them. I climb out of bed and decide to take a shower, wanting to wash away any remnants of last night. Once I'm done I get dressed, slipping into a pair of skinny jeans and a red half-sleeve top. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and grab my phone before wandering downstairs. I find my parents talking in hushed tones adding to my leftover confusion from last night when my mom said she needed to talk to me. "Morning" I interrupt them. My parents look up and smile.

"Good morning, want some breakfast?" my mom asks curiously.

"Um sure" I reply, leaning against the counter. "Did you uh, wanna tell me that thing you wanted to tell me last night?" I ask.

"Oh" my mom smiles, sharing a loving glance with my dad. "Well" she takes a deep breath. "How do you feel about becoming a big sister?" she asks making my eyes go wide as I stare at my mom in shock.

"You're pregnant?" I exclaim in excitement.

"We aren't sure how far I am yet but yea" she nods. "We took a test a couple days ago."

"Oh my god" I exclaim, "mom I'm so happy for you" I smile, pulling her in for a hug.

"We're glad you're excited" my dad says as I pull away from my mom, "we weren't sure how you were gonna take the news."

"Why?" I question before it hits me. This kid would be Shawn and my mom's, not just through love but blood. "Shawn" I smile, "you're my dad. Whether or not some blood test agrees isn't a big deal. I'm thrilled that you and mom are having a baby" I assure him, pulling him in for a hug. "I love you."

"Love you too kiddo" he smiles before we pull apart. "So breakfast?"

"Yes" I giggle. "Let's eat."

~ 🚔 ~

"What are you doing?" Zeke asks as he walks up behind me as I'm typing Aiden's name into the database.

"Just looking up a kid I pulled over last night. I have some suspicions" I admit as I hit enter. Zeke sits down beside me intrigued as the screen loads. When it's done I'm thankful I have yet to eat breakfast because what I find would be enough to make me lose it.

"Woah" Zeke whistles as he looks at the list of offenses. "How old is this kid?"

"Nineteen" I reply as I gaze at the list.

Parking violations.
Underage drinking.
Driving under the influence.

Those are enough to make me know I don't want him as an influence in Maya's life but the last one makes my stomach churn with worry for her safety.

Domestic abuse.

"Fuck" I mutter, rubbing my neck.

"Well it seems your hunch was right" Zeke says, standing up and clapping me on the shoulder.

"So it seems" I sigh as I exit the program and ignore the pit forming in my stomach.

~ 🚔 ~

I press ignore on yet another call from Aiden as I drive to the station. I had avoided any conversation of Aiden all morning with Riley and Lucas but I knew I wouldn't be so lucky with Josh. I pull up to the station and climb out of my car. I walk in and I'm greeted with a few polite hellos while I make my way to Josh's office. I knocm before letting myself in. I find him at his desk, surrounded by paperwork. "Hey" I smile softly.

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