25. The Dealer

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Since I'm still grounded for the weekend I decide to work on my project. "Social problem" I sigh, tapping my pencil against my cheek as I stare at the blank screen. I begin typing.

Good girl meets good boy. Good boy turns into bad boy and good girl becomes a pawn in a game she never wanted to play.

"It's a project Maya, not a biography" I groan as I hold down the backspace.

Drug dealers take over NYU.

Well at least it's a problem of society.

Imagine you're at a party and across the room you catch the eye of a handsome boy. He seems to show some interest in you and before long the two of you strike up a conversation and you find yourself falling head over heels for him.

Then suddenly he starts leaving you alone at parties, coming back with bloodshot eyes and bad intentions. It doesn't take long for you to realize that he's bad news but at this point you're in too deep.

Turning him in won't get him off the streets for good and not turning him in will leave you in a cycle of abuse and constant terror.

"Ugh" I groan as I pull out my phone and dial Josh's number. He picks up on the second ring.

"What's up sweetheart?"

"Drug dealers are a social problem right?" I ask as I read over the sentences again in my head.

He chuckles. "Yes sweetheart. I'd say so. Why?"

"I'm writing my essay. It's on drug dealers and the fears people feel when interacting with them."

"So it's a realistic account of the drug industry?"

"A personal one" I admit as I finally look away from the screen, turning my chair around. "I'm just afraid it's gonna turn into my sap story instead of a project worthy of an A" I explain as I lean back in the seat.

"If you're teaching them something then I don't see how you wouldn't pass the assignment" he replies. "You're time patrolling has led you to realize that catching criminals and getting them prosecuted isn't always easy. It's your project. You should be doing something you want to do. Something you're passionate about."

"I don't know if passionate is the right word" I laugh. "More like frustrated and annoyed."

"Semantics" he waves off making me chuckle. "It's gonna be great sweetheart. Am I gonna get to read this fabulous paper?"

I smile, rising from my chair to walk over to my backpack. "Even better. You'll be able to hear my presentation" I reveal as I unzip the bag.

"You're actually inviting me?" he asks in shock. "Won't I just make you nervous?"

"Yes but how will that be different from every other time we're together?" I giggle as I balance the phone between my neck and ear while I pull out my planner.

"Do I really make you that nervous?"

"It's more like you give me butterflies" I admit shyly. "God that was so girly. I hate myself for saying that" I laugh softly as I wander back to my seat, planner in hand.

"You're adorable" he replies sweetly. "How's your last couple days of captivity?" I groan, spinning back around on my chair and opening my planner in front of me.

"Annoying. I'm ready to make a break for it. You wanna drive the getaway car?" I ask playfully as I pencil in my presentation date.

"I'd love to sweetheart but I'm actually working today."

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