7. "Arrest Me"

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Getting busted at lookout point wasn't going to be a fun conversation with my parents but in this moment I want to sprint out of this car and throw myself into the officer's arms. The officer comes to the window and my eyes widen when Josh bends down. "You do know you can't-." he starts but when his eyes lock on mine his words seem to get caught in his throat.

In that moment I don't know if I want to hide in his arms where I know Aiden can't touch me or be the bitter ex someday girl and act like I was enjoying myself out here.

He clears his throat and returns to buisness, "you can't park here" he says seriously. Aiden rolls his eyes.

"Can I just get my ticket?" he asks in annoyance. "We were in the middle of something."

"License" he demands. Aiden rolls his eyes but hands the plastic over and Josh walks away.

"When he leaves I think we should go" I say softly when Josh is back in his car.

"Oh no" he shakes his head. "We aren't done with this conversation" he insists causing my blood to run cold.

"I need some air" I say, pushing open the door.

"You're gonna get yourself arrested" Aiden shouts in annoyance.

"Oh well."

~ 🚔 ~

Maya steps out of the car and my breath hitches in my throat. The dress she's wearing covers practically nothing and I suddenly have the jealous urge to kill Aiden. Luckily because of this I had Aiden's last name. That would make investigating him a little easier. I'm in the middle of writting up Aiden's ticket when a light knock on my window catches my attention. I roll it down and see Maya crouching down. "Hey" she says softly making me furrow my eyebrows at her.

"Hey gorgeous" I reply making a smile pull at her lips. "Everything okay?"

"I need to ask you something really weird."

"Okay" I draw out the y.

"Can you pretend to arrest me" she asks making my eyes widen as I stare at her.

"Maya what happened?" I demand immediately.

"Josh" she sighs. "I'm swallowing my pride enough to ask for your help. Please don't ask questions." I look at the car ahead of me and the urge to murder him increases. I swear if he hurt one hair on her head.

"Get in the car sweetheart" I say softly as I unlock the door. She looks from the other car to me and I shake my head. "Maya" I say softly. "He won't pull anything with me here." She nods her head and climbs in the passenger seat. "Wait here okay." She nods as I climb out and walk over to her boyfriend's car.

"You're all set" I tell him, handing him the ticket.

"Where's my girl?"

"On her way to the station" I lie. "She got out of the car" I shrug.

"Fucking fantastic" he scoffs. "Thanks for nothing" he adds before peeling off into the night. I shake my head and walk back to my car. I go around to the trunk and pull out a blanket before climbing back in the front seat.

"He left in quite the hurry" Maya says. I nod as I hand her the blanket. She takes it and laughs. "Am I too distracting in this dress?" she asks playfully.

I shake my head. "You're too good to wear shit like this Maya" I reply honestly. "You shouldn't have to dress like a hooker to get a guy's attention."

"I don't think getting his attention is my problem" she mutters softly as she situates the blanket on her lap.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask bluntly, despite her no question plea.

"No" she shakes her head. "But I'm glad you showed up" she admits softly. I put the car in drive and nod.

"Me too gorgeous."

~ 🚔 ~

It's past midnight and I know my parents are gonna freak out when I get home. I sigh, leaning my head back. "You okay?" Josh asks concerned.

"Just worried about my parents and Aiden" I admit. It seemed it was Josh's lucky night. I was vulnerable and needed someone to talk to.

"I'll take care of the parents. I'll tell them Aiden was speeding and had a few unpaid tickets. I had to bring him in and drove you home" he says simply making a smile pull at my lips.

"You'd cover for me?"

"Gorgeous" he sighs, "did you even want to be there? Because I patrol the point once a week and I've never found two people with as much distance between them as I did tonight." I gnaw my bottom lip and shake my head.

"He asked if I wanted to go out. I got dressed up and was looking forward to a nice dinner or something" I admit. "He took one look at me and told me we were going to the point."

"Jesus" Josh mutters, shaking his head. "You deserve better than him" he insists. "You need someone who's gonna see you walk down the steps in that dress and insist you change because they want to be the only guy who sees that much of you." A blush rises on my cheeks.

"How do you not have a girlfriend?" I ask confused causing him to laugh.

"I did. I was going to propose and caught her in bed with my roommate."

"She cheated?"

"Yea" he sighs. "Since then I haven't tried to date."

"Oh" I laugh, "so you're the slut" I exclaim making him chuckle.

"I don't think it's quite that bad" he replies making me eye him suspiciously.

"How many?"


"How many girls Joshua?" I demand but he shakes his head as he pulls into my driveway.

"That is not a conversation we're having."

I smile, pushing open my door. "Maybe not today but someday."

~ 🚔 ~

That word causes feelings to stir up inside me that I had long since blocked out. Someday.

We walk up to her door but before Maya can even unlock it her mother is standing on the other side. "I don't know if I should hug you or ground you until the day you die" she says bluntly.

"Miss Hunter" I smile politely. "This isn't Maya's fault."

"Josh" Shawn says confused as he joins us at the door. "Why are you bringing Maya home?"

"I'll explain but can we come in? It's chilly" I complain. They nod and allow us to walk inside. "It's not Maya's fault that she's late" I begin to explain or in this case fabricate a lie. "I was patroling and I caught Aiden driving a bit too fast. I ran his license and a few unpaid tickets popped up. I had to take him in and I offered to give Maya a ride home."

They look between Maya and I and a smile begins to pull at Katy's lips. "Well thank you for getting my baby girl home safe."

"Of course" I nod. "It wasn't a problem."

"Alright well. Maya is home safe so I suppose you should probably get back to work."

"I'm heading home actually but yes I should be going" I nod. "Goodnight" I say, looking directly at Maya.

"Goodnight" her parents reply politely while ever so slightly Maya mouths, "thank you."

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