35. Together is Where I Wanna Be

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"So?" I ask as Josh walks into the living room. The call had taken a lot longer than I thought it was going to so I had left him alone and walked into the other room to watch television.

"He offered me the job" he says simply causing a wide smile to pull at my lips as I jump off the couch.

"Josh that's incredible! I am so proud of you" I exclaim, throwing my arms around him. "When do you start?" I ask curiously, tilting my head to look up at him.

He chuckles, encircling my waist. "Maya I didn't give him an answer yet" he reveals making my eyes widen as I step back from him.

"What do you mean? This job is all you've ever wanted."

He sighs, closing the distance I put between us. "It was my dream but now, any life without you in it sounds more like a nightmare than anything else" he explains, grabbing my waist and pulling me back into his embrace. "I'm only gonna take the job if you come with me."

I smile, looping my arms around his neck. "Then I guess I'll be applying to police academies out in Albany won't I?" I ask, tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck.

He rests his forehead against mine, inhaling deeply. "I can't ask you to give up your life here" he murmurs but I shake my head.

"You are my life" I whisper, staring deeply into his bright blue eyes. "I'd follow you anywhere."

"But you could grow to resent me-." I cut him off by reaching up and pressing my lips to his in a gentle kiss. His lips move against mine softly as he pulls me as close as he possibly can and suddenly that spark from earlier is reignited. "Maya-."

"Hm?" I hum as we briefly pull apart.

He chuckles. "I don't want to break you" he confesses making me burst into laughter.

"Baby I'm not easily broken" I insist as I tug on the waistband of his sweatpants. "Nor am I patient" I add as I step back towards the couch.

~ 🚔 ~

"Someday came pretty quick" Josh pants as he lies beside me. I laugh, turning my head to look at him.

"Are you complaining?"

"No" he laughs, turning onto his side and splaying his hand over my hip. "I love you" he says sweetly making a smile pull at my lips.

"I love you too" I agree as I reach up to kiss him. "And as much as I would enjoy doing this again I kinda have a report to do."

"Right" he replies, biting his lip. "Did you decide to do it on Aiden?" he asks and I nod.

"That entire situation shaped my entire ride along experience. I went on patrol with you and caught speeders and stuff like that but coming back to the station and seeing how hard it is to put the real criminals away" I trail off. "It's the story. It's the issue and I know that along the way I'll have to out a few secrets including the fact that I'm dating my mentor but I have faith it'll all be okay" I finish, letting out a deep breath in relief.

I had agonized over this assignment for weeks but I've realized that all my teacher wants me to do is speak on an issue that's important to me and that's just what I'm doing in opening up about Aiden.

Josh smiles as he reaches forward, caressing my cheek. "I'm really proud of you, you know that?" he asks, his thumb caressing my skin gently as it moves back and forth across my cheekbone.

"I do know that" I agree, leaning into his embrace. "And I'm proud of you too" I add honestly.

"Thanks sweetheart" he replies, leaning up to press a soft kiss against my lips. "I'm gonna go shower and make us some food. You get started on that report."

I hum in agreement. "Mkay."

He smiles, kissing my lips one last time before getting up and walking out of the room.

~ 🚔 ~

"Done" I exclaim as I slam the lid of the laptop down.

"Hey" Josh exclaims from his spot beside me on our bed. "Careful" he chuckles. "You're gonna break the damn thing" he adds teasingly.

I roll my eyes as I slide the computer onto my nightstand before snuggling further into the comfort of our bed. "It's my laptop babe. If I break it it's my own fault."

"True enough" he agrees. "But we need money for rent and food, not new computers."

I chuckle, resting my head on his chest. "You worry too much babe."

"After the few weeks we've had I think I worry just enough" he argues, wrapping his arm around me. "You're okay from all that right?" he asks, looking down at me worriedly.

I glance up at him and offer him a reassuring smile. "I'm more than okay" I reply honestly. "He never did anything to me and I'm here in your arms right now. I'd say things are pretty damn perfect."

"Good" he replies, leaning down to peck my lips.

I return the soft peck before pulling back, resting my forehead against his. "You'll still come and listen to my speech right?"

He nods, reaching out to caress my cheek once again. "I will be in the front row cheering you on" he insists.

"Sounds perfect to me" I reply happily. "But not as perfect as sleep. You ready for bed?" I ask, glancing at the clock that reads back one in the morning.

"Absolutely" he sighs, leaning over to shut off the light. "Let's get some rest sweetheart" he insists, cuddling me into his embrace as we fall asleep.

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