23. The School Liason

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The rest of the week passes slowly as it always seems to when you're grounded. Josh hasn't said more on the subject of the job offer he received and I hadn't asked. I was terrified of him leaving but I was even more terrified that if he decided to go that he wasn't going to ask me to come.

"Morning" I smile as I walk up to Riley and Lucas.

"Morning" they both reply in unison. "How are you?" Riley smirks making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why was she smirking?

"I'm fine" I reply, drawing out my response. "Why are you acting so weird?" I ask confused.

"Staying out of trouble?" My heartbeat speeds up at the sound of his voice and a smile pulls at my lips as I spin around to lock my gaze on Josh.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quickly.

"I'm the school liason" he replies.

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Since when?" I laugh.

"Since today" he replies. "And just for today" he clarifies. "Nicole is sick" he explains. "So of course me being the helpful officer I am, I stepped in."

"Is that why?" Riley questions, unconvinced.

"What other motives could I possibly have?" Josh asks his niece pointedly.

Riley rolls her eyes as the bell rings. "We gotta get to class. Are we still patrolling today?"

"Unfortunately you're stuck here today" he says sadly. My heart drops. "Did you drive this morning?" I shake my head and a smile pulls at his lips. "Find me after your last class. I'll give you a ride."

"Kay" I smile, fighting the urge to give him a kiss goodbye before walking away.

~ 🚔 ~

My phone rings with yet another call from Aaron and again I press ignore. I lean against the wall in the cafeteria, watching everyone but keeping an especially close eye on a certain blonde. I wish she had come into my life again earlier or later or. Ugh. This decision was impossible.

My phone vibrates again catching my attention.

GORGEOUS 💛: Youre thinking

JOSH: Dont think too much about it. No big deal

GORGEOUS 💛: The job?

I sigh, looking up to find her staring directly at me.

JOSH: Meet me behind the bleachers in the field house

I pocket my phone before excusing myself from the cafeteria and heading to the field house. I make it there a few seconds before Maya and quickly remember that there are cameras everywhere. "What's-" I raise my finger to my lips to shush her, cocking my head to usher her out the door. I lead her to the car before finally stopping. "What's up?"

"This job is everything I've worked for" I admit. She nods in understanding.

"Then you should-."

"Sweetheart please stop talking" I cut her off making a blush rise on her cheeks. "I want the job" I admit. Her face falls and I quickly continue. "But I want you too" I say softly.

She raises her gaze to me and sighs. "Then what do we do?"

"Long distance" I suggest.

"In a new relationship" she shakes her head. "It will never work."

"Neither does asking you to move with me" I argue.

She sighs, running her fingers through her hair. "It's not up to you" she says bluntly.

"Maya" I laugh before looking up to spot a student leaning against the wall with a cigarette to his lips. "You should get back inside."

"What?" she asks, looking around. Before long a teacher joins the student and begins barking orders to put out the lit cigarette.

"We'll talk later. Get inside before we're caught" I insist.

"No" she replies stubbornly, "we're talking?"

"Yes" I reply in exasperation. "About a future neither of us will have if you don't get your cute little ass back in that school."

She huffs in frustration but turns on her heels regardless, walking away from me.

~ 🚔 ~

"Matthews" Sargeant Connor calls from his office as I walk into the station to clock out.

"Yea?" I ask, stopping and turning on my heel to face him.

"A word" he says, motioning to his office. My heart falls but I nod, walking towards his office. "Close the door and take a seat" he says as he moves behind his desk. I nod, shutting the door and moving to sit in the chair to the left.

"Yes sir?" I question politely.

"A teacher reported that you were seen with Maya outside today during your shift at the high school. I understand that you and Miss Hunter may be forming a sort of friendship." Friendship? Ha! If that's what you call it these days. "But you have to understand that it looks bad, a student speaking on friendly terms with an officer. You remember the rules. I don't feel I have to remind you."

I nod. I knew the rules. I couldn't date Maya yet I couldn't stay away from her either. I craved her in every way and I needed to keep her safe. "I know sir."

He nods, leaning back in his seat. "I also don't need to remind you that if it's revealed you were in a relationship with her not only will her future be destroyed but your job here as well as any offers on the table from other agencies will disappear. You do understand don't you?"

My heart drops and I nod. "Yes sir."

"Good" he says sternly. "You're dismissed" I nod numbly before rising out of my seat and leaving the station.

~ 🚔 ~

After sending Josh a text asking him to call me so we can have a civilized conversation about his potential move and it going unanswered I'm even more ready to be done with being grounded. If I weren't grounded I could just drive over and make him talk to me.

I'm sitting in bed watching Gossip Girl trying to get my mind off it when a knock on my window startles me. I have my blinds shut so I can't see who it is. I scramble off my bed and run to my bathroom, locking the door and dialing Josh's number despite my annoyance.

"Oh uh hey" he says awkwardly.

"Are you here right now?"

"What? No. Why?"

My blood runs cold as I lean against the door. "Because someone is knocking on my window."

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