15. Making Calls

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The next morning I wake up feeling much more rejuvenated than I have in the past few days. Of course then I remember the party I'm attending tonight. I climb out of bed and grab my phone before heading downstairs to have some breakfast only my parents are nowhere to be seen when I reach the foyer. "Mama? Dad?" I call out as I glance around. My heartbeat accelerates and I quickly run to the front door to lock it. My reaction seemed silly considering that I was voluntarily going out with Aiden tonight but something about an empty house made me nervous. I head back to the kitchen and find a post-it on the fridge.

Had an ultrasound this morning and didn't want to wake you. Help yourself to some breakfast. We'll be home soon. xoxo

I sigh, pulling open the fridge and pulling out a yogurt cup and the carton of orange juice. I pour myself a glass before putting the carton back in the fridge. I lean against the counter and dip a spoon into my yogurt when my phone rings. Officer Josh flashes on the screen and I giggle before answering it. "Thinking about me?" I ask playfully making him laugh.

"Always sweetheart" he replies. "Hey uh where is this party tonight?" he asks making me purse my lips into a fine line as I place my yogurt cup onto the counter.

"You cannot crash the party before I even call you" I exclaim.

"I'm not going to but if you end up in a situation I don't want to have to worry about details such as where you are in the moment." A smile pulls at my lips at his thoughtfulness.

"Mhm" I tease, "I'll text it to you" I assure him. "Are you working this morning?"

"Yea" he sighs. "A cop's work is never done."

"Any cases I can help you with?" I ask hopefully.

"We'll see gorgeous" he replies. "What are you doing this morning?"

"Waiting for my parents to get home. They had an ultrasound today."

"Yea? Your mom excited?" I laugh.

"Excited doesn't even begin to cover it" I admit as I pick my yogurt back up and take another bite. "Her and Shawn have been trying for two years. I'm just glad it finally happened."

"I would imagine" he replies. "Oh shit. Hey sweetheart I'm gonna have to call you back. Bri just walked into my office."

"Oh, um okay" I stutter. The mere mention of his fuck buddy making my blood run cold.

"Talk to you later."

"Mhm" I nod before hanging up.

~ 🚔 ~

"Sweetheart?" Brianna asks, raising an intrigued eyebrow at me.

"Um yea" I blush as she walks in and shuts the door behind her.

"Is it serious?" she asks curiously. I bite my bottom lip. I wanted it to be serious but this project and Aiden were making it impossible for me to make a move.

"I hope so" I reply causing her eyes to widen. She purses her lips into a thin line and slaps a file onto my desk.

"That is lovely" she seethes. I had a feeling she thought it was anything but lovely.

"Bri" I sigh. "I'm sorry if you thought that this was you know, more than what it was."

"More than it was?" she questions, raising an eyebrow at me. "So more than sex you mean? That's all I was to you? A booty call?"

"Technically you called me" I point out making her mouth drop open.

"Wow" she shakes her head. "Classy Matthews. Real fucking classy. Have fun fucking with someone else's emotions" she snaps, leaving my office. I sigh, shaking my head. I should've listened to Maya and made things clear with her from the start.

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