4. Rules

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"Maya" a soft knock on my door catches my attention on Monday morning while I'm busy sitting at my vanity doing my makeup.

"Come in" I shout as I put down my beauty blender and glance over my shoulder to see who's walked in.

"Morning kiddo" my dad smiles, leaning against the door.

"Hey dad" I reply, turning back to my vanity and grabbing my mascara. I unscrew the wand and begin applying it to my lashes as my dad wanders into the room. "What's wrong?" I ask without turning around as I hear him take a seat on my bed.

"Nothing" he replies. "But I want to talk to you about something" he adds.

"Okay" I reply, grabbing my setting powder. "About what?"

"You're going to need a way to get to the station everyday and since you've had your license for over a year and you've managed to prove you're responsible" he sighs before the melodic sound of jingling keys fills my ears. I quickly spin around in my seat, my eyes widening in surprise and excitement as they lock on the keys.

"Are you serious?" I gape, trying and failing not to get my hopes up in case this is all a cruel joke.

"Please be careful" he says, holding the keys out to me. I squeal in excitement, lunging for them before enveloping my dad in a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" I repeat over and over again making him laugh as he pats my back.

"You're welcome kiddo" he says sweetly, kissing my temple before letting me go. "But you better hit the road if you don't want to be late." I glance over to the clock on my nightstand and stand up.

"I cannot be late" I mumble as I grab my phone and my backpack. "See you later dad" I smile before pecking his cheek and heading out the door.

~ 🚔 ~

"Today's the big day" Greg, the intern, smiles brightly as he makes coffee in the break room. I roll my eyes, reaching for a donut on the counter and taking a large bite. I find a seat and pull out my phone, scrolling through the news before the sound of metal scraping the ground catches my attention. I look up to find a smirking Brianna staring back at me.

"Morning" she drawls. I shoot her a polite smile, hoping she doesn't think what happened between us was more than a good time that would never happen again.

"Hey" I reply nonchalantly causing her face to fall and her green eyes to narrow. I look back down at my phone, hearing the sound of her heels clicking away. I look up once I'm sure the coast is clear and sigh, rubbing my neck. I glance at the clock and figure I have about four hours until my shadow would be arriving. "I'm going on patrol" I announce, standing up and heading out to the main lobby. I grab a set of keys and head out the door.

~ 🚔 ~

"Need a ride?" Lucas asks me politely as he, Riley, and I walk out of the school. Our shadowing was set to start in a little under an hour.

"Nope" I reply as I press ignore on the millionth call from Aiden. "Dad gave me the keys this morning" I smile, pulling the keys from my bag and holding them up for proof.

"Impressive" Lucas compliments. "Wonder if he still would've given them to you if he knew about your midnight trysts with Aiden" he smirks making me roll my eyes. It was true, I snuck out a lot but not even I was dumb enough to give it up that quick.

"Fuck off Huckleberry" I reply playfully, flipping him off as I reach my car. "Meet up at your place later?" I ask Riley curiously.

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