34. Expect the Unexpected

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Waking up the next morning and forcing myself out of bed is far beyond difficult.

Facing the last of the consequences of beginning a relationship with Josh was liberating as well as nerve-wracking. After today I would either be granted leniency or I'd be on the road to repeating my senior year.

I sigh as I climb out of bed and wander out towards the kitchen where the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air.

"Morning" I greet my boyfriend whose sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee in front of him.

"Morning sweetheart" he replies lovingly. "How are you doing today?" he asks as I move towards the coffee pot and pour a myself a cup.

"I've been better" I reply honestly as I turn towards the fridge to retrieve creamer before pouring a generous amouny in my cup.

"I'm sure" he says as I grab my coffee and move towards him. "It'll be okay" he assures me.

"I hope so" I sigh, plopping down onto the couch beside him. "I'm just exhausted Josh."

He nods in understanding as he opens his arms to me. "I love you no matter what and I promise I'm not going anywhere."

"That is honestly the best thing I've heard in a while" I confess as I snuggle into his chest. "I love you so much Josh."

"And I love you" he whispers as he leans down to kiss the top of my head. "But you can't avoid school all day. I'll drive you. Go get ready."

"Ugh" I groan as I get up and walk back towards our room.

~ 🚔 ~

Josh insists that he comes in with me. I argue that it will only make things worse but he promises to behave...we'll see who wins this argument.

"Miss Hunter" the receptionist greets me coldly as I walk into the office. "She's expecting you."

"Great" I reply, forcing a smile onto my face before turning towards Josh.

"I'll be waiting right here" he assures me as he squeezes my hand comfortingly. "I love you."

"Love you more" I reply before letting him go and walking towards the office. I push the door open and my breath hitches in my throat when I see Zeke sitting in a chair beside Sergeant Connor.

"Good morning Miss Hunter" the principal says as her eyes lock on mine. "Take a seat."

I do as she asks and feel my heartbeat speed up generously as silencr falls around the room for a long moment.

"It's come to my attention that you've entered into an inappropriate relations-."

"I'd prefer that you not call it that" I interject. "Our relationship is one hundred percent legal and healthy. This project is the problem. Not us."

"Why do you feel like the victim Miss Hunter?" she presses and I sigh.

"Because I knew my mentor. I've had a crush on him for four years and I've known him for eleven! I understand if you want to fail me because of the liability that the school possesses for my kidnapping but-."

"But your ex-boyfriend was crazy" Zeke interjects. "Look, they fell in love! It happens every single damn day and if she were already on the force no one would give a shit. It never affected Josh's work or Maya's assignment in any way so why should it matter?"

"Did you see Matthews when she was missing?"

"Um yea I did and Nick has told me countless times that Josh gets too invested in his cases. He's a passionate guy and it's what makes him a good cop. Yes he was worried about his girlfriend but at the end of the day we made a logical plan, saved her and got a huge dealer off the streets. The two of them got more accomplished in a few weeks than we have in years. They should be getting rewarded, not punished."

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