18. Flirting While Grounded

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I end up grounded for an entire week. In the grand scheme of things I got off really easy. The fact that I got myself out of the situation and called Josh to bust the party helped my case enough to warrant keeping phone privilges. I'm sitting in my room on Sunday afternoon getting a start on my project when my cell phone buzzes.

OFFICER 💙: Good morning 😊

I giggle, dropping my pencil and sitting back in my chair as my fingers fly over the keyboard.

MAYA: Babe its five past noon 😂😂

OFFICER 💙: Shit. I must've been drained from this weekend

MAYA: Am i really that much of a handful?

OFFICER 💙: Definitely 😜

MAYA: Youre right. My hotness is too much for you

OFFICER 💙: Oh is it?

MAYA: Yep 😜

OFFICER 💙: Hate to break it to you but i can control myself just fine around you

MAYA: We'll see tomorrow.....

OFFICER 💙: Can't wait

~ 🚔 ~

As I'm in the middle of texting Maya I get a call from Nick. I hesitantly answer it, not wanting to leave my conversation with Maya. "What's up man?" I ask conversationally.

"What the fuck is this I hear about you busting Justin Adams?" he exclaims making me internally groan. While it was a huge win for the station, it put a huge target on mine and Maya's backs. A war on the streets was not one I wanted to get into.

"Yea" I reply with as much enthusiasm as I can muster.

"Dude that's incredible. Why aren't you flipping out right now?" he asks in confusion.

"It's complicated Nick" I sigh, running my hand over my face. "How's the honeymoon?"

"Dude" he laughs, "I don't know what it is about a wedding band that makes a woman never wanna leave the bedroom but I'm not questioning it." I laugh.

"Dude I don't need to know about your sex life."

"Neither do I but when you fuck half the girls in our department it's kinda hard not to" he chuckles.

"It's not half" I shake my head. "And I didn't fuck all of them."

"Just Bri" he replies. I hear the smirk on his face and I shake my head.

"Let's just drop it" I insist. "I've had a long weekend Nick. Can I call you back later?"

"Nah dude we're good. I got a bed to get back to and I don't really wanna be disturbed."

"Twenty bucks you fuck up and get her pregnant" I tease.

"No glove no love my friend" he replies. "See you when I get back."

"Later Diaz" I laugh as we hang up. I decide to get out of bed and take a quick shower before heading out to my living room to work on some casework. A sudden knock on my door interrupts my work making me sigh as I get up and go over to answer it. The knocking becomes more incessant the closer I get to the door making me aggrivated.

"I'm coming" I shout before pulling open my door.

"Thanks for the warning" she smirks, her raven hair falling in curls around her shoulders and her chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. "Aren't you gonna let me in?" she asks, biting her lower lip.

"Fuck no" I reply, leaning against my doorframe. "What do you want Sophie?" I ask angrily.

"Always so hostile" she smiles. "I missed that."

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