29. Waiting

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I raise my hand to knock on the front door of Maya's house and take a deep breath.

Shawn was pissed, that much was clear but I hoped that today he would at least be willing to hear me out.

Katy opens the door, pursing her lips as she leans against it. "May we help you?"

"I just came to fill you in on the case. Can I come in?"

"Come in?" she questions. "I told my daughter to keep things professional with you. She told me she liked you and I told her she was too young to be with you. You made her throw away her future for what? So that you could throw her away after you got your bust?"

"What? No" I exclaim. "Katy I love her" I argue.

"Do you?" she laughs dryly. "Because a real man who loves a woman knows when to walk away" she says simply, slamming the door in my face.

I sigh, turning and walking back to my squad car.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

~ 🚔 ~

The basement is cold and I'm starving.

I miss my parents and Riley but most of all Josh. I knew that finding me would cost him his badge and I felt horrible. If I had my choice he would just let me go but I knew Josh and he was stubborn to a fault, especially when it came to me.

"Jesus Christ" Aiden complains as he walks down the stairs with my phone in hand. "Your parents are fucking persistent."

"Well I'm missing" I remind him.

"Don't get sassy or you'll regret it" he says, leaning against the wall across from where he had me tied up on a chair. "What's so special about him anyway? What makes him better than me?"

"Well for one he doesn't force himself on me" I spit.

"Fiesty" he smirks, walking towards me. "I'd watch it sweetheart."

"Why?" I demand. "Does the thought of me with him upset you?" I taunt. "Question? How does it make you feel to know that all he had to do was ask and I would've given him everything?"

"Shut up" he shouts angrily. "I told you to watch you fucking mouth."

"What if I told you he already had me? At his house, in his squad car, in my room" I list tauntingly. "That upset you too?"

"I said enough" he shouts, slapping me across the face. I take it, pursing my lips together and looking back up at him as he backs up.

"That make you feel better? Slapping me around? That turn you on? Just like me saying no over and over again. Why don't you just let me go. I'm sure there are plenty of lovely crazy women who would love to fuck you."

"I said that's enough" he spits angrily. "You say another word and I'll kill you instead. Understood?"

I nod, pasting a bright smile on my face. "Crystal clear."

~ 🚔 ~

I'm sitting on my couch watching mindless television and pretending to pay attention when a knock sounds on my door.

I get up and glance through the peep hole, finding my niece bouncing on her heels waiting for me to let her in. I unlock my door and pull it open. "Hey kiddo" I greet carefully.

"Hey" she says, clearly holding back tears. "I can't be at home anymore. My parents keep interrogating me about everything. They're upset that I didn't tell them everything about Aiden and how you and Maya were together" she sighs. "I just had to get out of there."

"It's fine Riles" I assure her, stepping out of the way to let her in. "How are you holding up?" I ask as I follow her to the couch.

"Probably about as well as you are" she replies. "Do you have any leads?"

I probably shouldn't tell her but at the end of the day she's my niece and my girlfriend's best friend. "We think that they have her at the frat. Our plan is to bust the party tomorrow."

"But what if you're walking into a trap?" she asks in concern.

"Oh we are" I nod. "Which is why Zeke is sneaking in to grab Maya while I distract Aiden."

"But Josh" Riley interjects. "He hates you. He's not just going to let you arrest him."

I nod knowingly. "It's gonna be a fight but I'll get him Riles. He's gonna pay for this. For all of it."

"I hope so" she says, resting her head on my shoulder. "Please be careful. I love Maya but I love you too. Don't go and do something stupid to try and play the hero."

I chuckle, kissing the top of her head. "I promise I'll be careful and I love you too kiddo."

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