20. Dramatic Exits

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Luckily, for the first ten minutes of the drive back to my place Nate is quiet. Unfortunately after these ten minutes he won't stop running his mouth. "So dude seriously what's the deal with the chick? She's probably one of the finest pieces of ass I've ever laid eyes on."

"I swear Nate if you don't stop talking about her" I shake my head, about ready to murder the idiot sitting in my passenger seat.

"You got it bad don't you" he laughs in disbelief. "I haven't seen you this way since-."

"Since Sophie" I fill in, cutting a glare in his direction. "You know. The girl I was planning on marrying."


"What I really never understood about the whole you and Sophie thing was how you could do it. Especially when I told you I was proposing to her. Hell, you helped me pick out the ring" I add angrily as I merge into the lane to make the turn towards my house.

"It just happened."

I shake my head. "I really hate it when people say that it just happened. What exactly does that mean? You both accidentally stripped down naked and fell on your bed and then whoops you were inside my fiancée?" I continue on angrily. "You both seemed pretty damn into it when I walked in."

"I fell in love with her Josh."

"And when the fuck did you plan on telling me?" I shout. "I took you ring shopping with me! Were you fucking her already?"

"It wasn't like that" he shakes his head. "We were in love with each other but yes we were having sex."

"You must've thought I was pretty stupid" I laugh sadly as I pull onto my street. "Buying a ring for the girl that was in love with you."

"I'm sorry" he says softly as I pull up to my house.

I shut off the car and sit there for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Sorry isn't good enough."

~ 🚔 ~

I'm just walking into my house when the screen on my phone lights up with  a call from Josh. I quickly bring the phone to my ear and scurry upstairs. "Hey babe what's up?" I ask as I step into my room and close the door behind me.

"Just really needed to hear your voice" he replies as I plop down onto my bed.

"Babe what happened?" I ask worriedly.

"Nate happened. I've moved on from Sophie. I'm so happy with you but having confirmation that while my best friend was helping me plan my proposal to my girlfriend that he was screwing her behind my back" he pauses. "It hit me a lot harder than I thought it would."

I shake my head in disbelief. I couldn't imagine doing that to my best friend. "Baby I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine."

"I just really hope they leave soon" he sighs. "I miss you. When are you done being grounded?"

I giggle as a smile pulls at my lips. "One, we haven't been apart that long. And two, I'm all yours starting on Monday. I was grounded Sunday to Sunday."

"Jesus" he sighs. "At least I get to see you tomorrow at work."

"At least" I reply in agreement.

"Maya" my mom knocks on my door. "I need some help with dinner" she says making me groan while Josh laughs.

"Go help your mom. I'll talk to you later sweetheart."

"I miss you" I admit, practically hearing the smile pull at his lips.

"I miss you too sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

~ 🚔 ~

I hang up my phone reluctantly. I hated having to stop talking to Maya. If I could I would spend every single second of every day with her talking about anything and everything. I pocket my phone and finally decide to head inside to see what choas awaits me and praying to god that I don't walk in on them fucking on my sofa. I push open my door and step outside before making the trek to my door. I brace myself for the worst, pushing open my apartment door.

It certainly wasn't the worst position I had found them in but seeing my ex best friend with my ex girlfriend pinned against my wall with his hands roaming beneath her shirt definitely wasn't a sight I needed. "Ehm" I clear my throat causing them to pull apart. Sophie's eyes light up as she runs towards me.

"Thank you so much Josh" she gushes as she throws her arms around my neck. "Where'd you find him?" I share a look with Nate who's eyes are staring pleadingly back into mine but I couldn't lie to Sophie.

"Your man has a bit of a gambling problem. Might wanna keep an eye on him" I reply simply. I wasn't going to give her the details but I figured it would be enough.

"Nathan" she exclaims, slapping his arm. "What were you thinking?"

He shrugs. "We're having a baby Soph, we don't have the money. I just thought" he trails off as a smile pulls at Sophie's lips.

"Aw babe" she coos. "You did it for us" she says, putting her hand on her belly. A smile pulls at Nate's lips as he nods.

"I'd do anything for you baby" he replies making me roll my eyes. He grabs her waist and pulls her closer again but I shake my head.

"Nope. No getting cozy. You both are being evicted. Please go back to your lives and get the hell out of mine."

They share a look and nod. "We'll go" Nate says softly as he pulls Sophie towards the door. He ushers her out before turning to me. "You didn't have to help her. So thank you" he says genuinely. "And I really am sorry."

I nod. "I know you are" I give, "but it doesn't change anything. I can't forgive you Nate." His face falls but he nods nonetheless.

"Fair enough" he gives. "And good luck with blondie" he adds making my blood boil as I push him out of my apartment.

"Goodbye Nate" I reply forcefully before slamming the door shut and locking it behind them.

~ 🚔 ~

"Who were you on the phone with?" my mom asks curiously. "It kinda seemed like it was a boy" she smirks as a blush rises on my cheeks.

"Maybe it was" I give, gnawing my bottom lip as I cut carrots for the beef stew. "Mama can we talk about something that would only stay between us?" I ask hopefully. Worry flashes over her features but she nods.

"What is it baby girl?" 

I take a deep breath, putting the knife down and leaning my back against the counter. "Do you remember Josh?" I ask softly. I look up to see my mom running through her head until her eyes brighten and she nods.

"Of course I do. He was your first crush" she smiles brightly.

I nod in agreement and begin picking at my nails. "He's uh, he's kinda my mentor for school" I admit without looking up, "and I think I'm kinda falling for him" I admit causing her to drop the potato peeler. I look up to see shock written on her face.

"Isn't he a little old for you?" she asks concerned. I shake my head in disagreement.

"It's three years" I shrug. "Not even. It's two and fourty-six weeks."

"Baby girl still. The two of you aren't in the same stages of life. You're in high school and he has a career."

"I'm graduating in a few months" I reply. "And I think I might actually want to be a cop" I admit. "Mama I really like him and I think he does too."

"If he's your mentor it doesn't matter. This is a school project not a matchmaking attempt. I'm sorry baby girl but it's just not a good idea." I stare at the ground and try to push back tears but it's no use. I push off the counter and quickly wipe at my eyes.

"I'll be in my room" I say softly before rushing up the steps to my bedroom and slamming the door behind me. When I look to my window my breath hitches and my heart rate speeds up when I see a figure sitting in the windowsill.

"Miss me?"

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