31. Shower Me With Love

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The walk to the squad car is silent. I have no idea what happened in the couple days that I was gone but evidently it wasn't good.

Josh unlocks the doors and we climb in but he hesitates to start the engine. "Your parents know what's been going on between us" Josh explains making my heart drop into my stomach. Fucking lovely. I had figured as much but I was hoping I was wrong.

"And?" I press, bringing my lip between my teeth.

"To say they aren't happy is an understatement sweetheart. Your dad" he sighs, taking my hand in his. "He demanded that I stay away from you" he explains making my eyes widen in shock. I knew they'd be mad but I didn't think they'd ban me from seeing him.

"Josh they-they can't stop me. I'm an adult" I protest, looking up at him intently.

"Riley said you'd be stubborn about this" he chuckles making a smile tug at my lips as I nod my head.

"Damn right I'm going to be stubborn. Josh, baby thinking of you is what got me through the past couple of days. Knowing that you were out there looking for me, trying to find a way to bring me home gave me hope. I'm not losing you, not after all of this" I insist, shaking my head.

"Are you sure? Because Maya-." I grow annoyed with his line of questioning, finally putting an end to it as I lean over the console and press my lips to his. He's hesitant at first and then I begin to feel guilty for throwing myself at him after not brushing my teeth or showering for three days but when his lips finally begin to move with mine and his tongue swipes across my bottom lip all self-consciousness flies out the window.

He quickly raises the console and pulls me over it and onto his lap allowing me to straddle him while his hands rest dangerously low on my back. "Josh" I murmur, pulling back.

"Sorry" he apologizes. "Jesus we haven't even talked about everything and I'm already trying to take adv-."

I cut him off again with a long, deep kiss before pulling back again and placing my hand over his mouth to shut him up. "Josh I love you but you gotta let me finish a thought" I giggle, moving my hand.

"Okay gorgeous" he smiles, leaning back and gazing up at me.

"Good" I sigh. "I'm not going home tonight."

"Maya-." I shake my head and put my finger to his lips to stop him.

"I'm not getting lectured tonight. They're going to try to turn this into something ugly" I explain, placing my hands on his chest. "I just want one night alone with you."

"Fine but you have to call them" he concedes.

"I'll text them" I argue.

"Ugh" he groans. "You're already driving me crazy babe" he teases making a smile pull at my lips.

"I know I am" I smirk, shifting my hips to feel his hardened length pressing into my thigh.

"That's not what I meant" he laughs, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Silence falls around us for another long moment before he speaks again. "You gotta give your statement tomorrow."

"I know" I nod. "Do you have to work?"

"Um" he stutters, clearing his throat. "Sweetheart I got fired on Thursday" he explains.

This was it. Besides Josh being murdered by my ex this was my worst fear. Josh had lost everything because of me.

"Josh" I gasp as tears form in my eyes. "This is all my fau-."

"No" he says sternly. "I wanted this relationship just as much as you did. We knew this could happen and I don't regret it. I love you Maya."

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