17. Panic Attack

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I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. Josh's empty bed. A smile tugs at my lips as I run my hands over the sheets where he was sleeping beside me last night.

I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way about him, that any relationship with him was dangerous to my future but the heart wants what it wants. And mine wants him.

I climb out of bed and pad across the floor to open the door, immediately being met with the smell of bacon and the sounds of pans clanging around. I wander down the small hallway, leaning against the entryway as I watch Josh moving around in the kitchen. He turns around to place a plate of bacon onto the table but his eyes land on me causing him to stop. "You been standing there long?" he asks curiously.

"No" I shake my head as I move towards him. "Good morning."

"Good morning sweetheart" he replies as he places the plate onto the kitchen table before leaning down to kiss my cheek. "You sleep okay?" he asks as he walks back into the kitchen to finish scrambling a pan of eggs.

"I slept amazing" I reply honestly. "Best night's sleep I've had in awhile."

"Good" he smiles happily. "Hungry?" he asks as he motions to the table full of food. I chuckle, gazing up at him.

"What is all this? I thought you didn't have any food" I giggle.

"I didn't" he replies. "Whole Foods is just around the corner." My eyes widen.

"You went shopping?" I gape. "Josh I would've been fine." I insist.

"Maya I needed food anyway. You just gave me a reason to get some" he chuckes. "Eat. I gotta get you back home at some point today" he adds making my smile falter. I didn't want to leave.

"Okay" I give in, sitting down and grabbing a few strips of bacon, piling them onto my plate. He puts some eggs onto my plate once they're done and sits down beside me. Silence falls around us as we eat and a slight furrow of his brows forms.

"You okay?" he asks worriedly.

"What time do you want me out?" I ask, avoiding answering his question.

"Sweetheart that's not what I meant by that" he assures me. "I just don't want Shawn knocking down my front door to get you" he chuckles. "If it were up to me" he pauses as he stands up to get more juice. "You'd never leave."

~ 🚔 ~

The look on her face is priceless. I know it's the last thing she was expecting me to say and her reaction is adorable. Her lips part in surprise, trying to form a coherent thought while her blue eyes shimmer with happiness. "You okay?" I ask teasingly as I pour myself more juice before sitting back down.

"Mhm" she mumbles, clearing her throat. "I should probably go check my phone" she says, getting up abruptly and leaving the table.

Well that backfired.

Yea I see that. Thank you.

I sigh, clearing our plates from the table and beginning the dishes.

~ 🚔 ~

I shut his door behind me and take a long, deep breath. I couldn't have him saying things like that if we were supposed to stay just friends for at least three more weeks.

I decide to check my phone to distract myself, moving towards the nightstand and grabbing it. Josh must've brought it in here this morning. So sweet. I shake my head and power it back up. The second my home screen appears so do thirteen missed calls from Aiden and one from my dad. I take a deep breath and decide to tackle dad first. I don't even bother listening to the messgae before dialing his number.

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