14. Call Me Always

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My fight with Josh weighs heavy on my mind all night. For the second night in a row I toss and turn, unable to get any sleep. I shouldn't have admitted to Josh that I was in love with him three years ago. He probably thinks I'm ridiculous. I was fifteen, me being in love with an eighteen year old was laughable yet it's how I felt.

Being around him made everything better. He made me laugh and he could always make me smile. He was the first guy that made me think that I was capable of being loved. I could talk to him about anything and he always gave me the best advice. He taught me fractions even though it took an entire frustrating summer to do it. And most of all, he boosted my confidence. He was the first guy to make me feel truly beautiful, the first guy who made me believe that I was smart enough to accomplish anything I put my mind to, and the first (and only) guy that didn't like me simply because of my looks.

I turn over in my bed and grab my phone. I open my contacts and stare at Josh's name, the temptation looming in front of me. I take a deep breath and press the small green phone icon before I can change my mind.

~ 🚔 ~

I'm sitting up watching late night talk shows while thinking about what Maya said today. I knew she liked me but I never in a million years would've thought it went deeper than that. Then again maybe I did and that's why I ran, maybe I was scared of loving Maya. I sigh, running my hands over my face as my phone rings. I grab it and look at it intrigued. It was an unknown number. Under normal circumstances I never answer unknown numbers but this wasn't normal circumstances. "Hello?"

"Hey" her soft voice echoes through the line making my heart skip a beat.

"Hey" I reply, a smile pulling at my lips. "Everything alright?" I ask worriedly. I didn't think I could take another Aiden incident today.

"No" she replies. "I said something today that I shouldn't have" she admits sadly. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at her words.

"Why shouldn't have you said it?" I ask confusedly.

"Because" she sighs. "I was fifteen" she chuckles. "It was just puppy love. It didn't mean anything and it's not like it changes anything. We're keeping this professional" she adds making me sigh. The amount of times we've had to repeat that mantra today to keep us from throwing ourselves at one another only proved that the last thing either of us wanted was to keep this professional.

"You're entitled to your own feelings Maya" I reply. "It's not my place to tell you that you can't feel a certain way" I insist. "It just took me a little by surprise that's all" I shrug.

"Ugh" she groans. "I ruined everything" she adds making me chuckle as I shake my head.

"Sweetheart nothing is ruined. We're okay" I assure her.

"Even though I'm going out with Aiden tomorrow?" she asks making my blood boil. She was doing so well, she just had to go and bring him up didn't she?

"If he touches you" I trail off, trying to keep myself from having an outburst. "If he does something to you I don't trust myself not to kill him" I admit making her chuckle. It was cute that she thought I was kidding.

"I'd miss you if you went to jail."

"Would you bring me lemon merengue pie?" I ask causing her to burst into a fit of laughter.

"For you and all your jail bird friends" she confirms making me laugh. As our laughter fades silence stretches across the line and I hear her take a deep breath. "Hey Josh?"

"Yea gorgeous?" I ask curiously.

"If something happens tomorrow night" she starts, taking another deep breath before continuing, "I can call you right?" A smile pulls at my lips as I nod.

"Of course you can call me. I'm always gonna be here for you Maya."

"Okay" she replies, the smile evident in her voice. "I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep."

"Okay sweetheart. Get some sleep."

"Mkay. Goodnight Officer Josh" she says playfully making me chuckle.

"Goodnight Maya" I reply before we hang up.

~ 🚔 ~

A/N: Another short chapter I know. I promise the next one will be longer 😊 What do you guys think will happen at the party??? Leave your guesses in the comments!!!

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