Chapter 2

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After I finish crying, I take a deep breath and wiped my eyes to make sure nobody would be suspicious as to what I was doing. How would that look. A girl they met like two seconds ago crying in their bathroom. I wouldn't want be known as that.

I open the door and I'm ready to walk out. I bump into someone making me fall.

"Oh shit, my fault." I look up to see LaMelo reaching his hand out to help me up. I accept and he pulled me up easily.

He looked me up and down and then spoke "Who you?" 

I laughed and introduced myself. "I'm Kayla, Janae's cousin. I just moved here today." I reach my hand out for him to shake. He shook my hand. "Oh yea, I saw you on her snapchat story earlier today. You seemed lit." He Smiled.

He's mad cute for no reason, like stop being cute and be ugly so this can be less awkward.

I laughed and nodded. 

"Oh yea, I'm LaMelo but you can just call me Melo." He cheesed showing his big teeth making me giggle. 

"Aye I see you with the shaved eyebrow too, I like you already." he added.

My face got really hot and he laughed. We started making our way to the living room again.

"Oh I see you met Melo. I was just about to text him to come down here." Janae notices.

"If you texted me I wouldn't have listened, witcho big headass." 

Janae got up but I held her back. 

"You one to talk, Swiffer Duster headass." I said pointing to his curls. 

Everyone hollered in laughter

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Everyone hollered in laughter. "She's on my mans head right now ." Zo screamed.

I turned around laughing and Zo was holding his stomach laughing and Gelo had his hands covering his face, and Eli played dead on the couch.

"You was all types of quiet before, where this come from G?" Gelo said.

I smiled and turned back to Melo and he was towering over me, smirking down at me.

Looking all types of scary what the fuck? 

"I'm sorry, I can't let you come for my cousins head like that B. Family stick together. No hard feelings?" I shrugged.

"Where you from?" 


"Your accent is heavy B." He said emphasizing the "B"

"I know, now can you get out of here, trying to learn my whole government." I shoved him a bit and put his hands up surrendering and sat next to Eli. 

I realized it was quiet so I turned around and everyone was either looking at Melo or at me.

"What?" we say in unison. We both glare at each other and I look at Janae and she has this glint in her eyes making me raise my eyebrows. 

"No, no, no,and no." I pointed to Zo, Eli, Gelo,and Janae. They all snickered. They were looking at me and Melo like they were planning out our whole future together, all I did was roast the kid.

"I deadass just met him 5 minutes ago, let me breathe before you start trying to play matchmaker." I said looking at Janae specifically. 

"You breathed a couple times in this time span so I'll fill out my resume for the matchmaking business." Gelo said getting smart. I threw a pillow at him and we all laughed. 

I sat in between Eli and Melo, being as that is the only seat available. 

"Janae, when are we gonna actually eat like we came over here to do because I don't see no body cooking." 

"Lavar and Tina went out to get Chinese food, I already told them what you wanted, they should be here in like 10 or 15 minutes." Janae informs me.

I nod and go back on my phone, I decide to play piano tiles to pass time.

I was about to beat my highest score until a finger came in front of my face and pressed a random piano key that wasn't there. It ended my game and I look to my left to see Melo smirking to himself.

I start hitting him and we're laughing as I call him out his name. 

Eli coughs and I look toward him and hes signaling for the rest to look over our way. I look and Gelo has his hoodie on recording us, thinking he was being slick. I grab another couch pillow and throw it directly at his phone.  

And then I slap Eli's thigh for being so immature and resume back to my game that was so rudely interrupted.

I hear keys jingle and the door opened. I hear Lavar's voice fill the whole room. I wince but get over it because that means that food is involved.

"Come eat ya'll!" Lavar announced. All the boys jumped up and ran to the kitchen. I walked and waited for everyone to get theirs so mine can be the only one left instead of fighting and racing to food.

Everyone took their food and I got my shrimp and broccoli with white rice and a spoon and sat in my seat again. Lavar pulled a fold up chair and put it in the middle of the living room. 

"So Miss Kayla, may you please introduce yourself to me. Any family of Janae is family of mine." 

Well if I'm apart of this family, then I guess it's weird that I think your son is cute...

"My name is Kayla as you already know, I am Janae's cousin, and I just moved from Brooklyn to here today." 

"Why did you decide move from Brooklyn sweetheart?" Tina asked.

I cleared my throat. "My mom recently passed from unattended pneumonia and I don't know my father so the only other family member I was comfortable being around was Janae and Joe." 

Everyone seemed to get quiet.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just wanted to make conversation." Tina rushed out.

"No, no it's ok, it was all in God's plan. Can't be mad. We're all going to pass, as harsh as it sounds, but her time was just earlier than others." I assured her.

"Amen." Lavar shouted, making me jump. Melo laughed.

"Thank you for the food by the way sir."

"You don't have to call me sir, make me feel so old, just call me Lavar." 

I leaned back into the couch and smiled, continuing to eat my food. I could feel myself get more comfortable by the minute. 

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