Chapter 13

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August 22

I hear my bedroom door creak open and I jerk my head in the direction of the noise. I saw Zo's big head poke through the opening he made and I groan in annoyance.

"If it is earlier than 10, I am going to fight you." I shove my head back in my pillow, trying to go continue my interrupted slumber.

"Kaylaa, get up, Melo is walking around like a sad puppy on his birthday and he's making everyone depressed. You made him like this so you better go fix it." He started yanking at my blanket but I snatched them out of his hand.

"I'll get up in a minute, leave me alone Zo."

"Get up now and fix him or else I'm throwing you in the pool." I quickly turn to face him to see if he's joking but he was being dead serious.

The room filled with silence as we started at each other with daring looks. "Now." He said sternly.

"Ok! You're so annoying." I roll my eyes as I got out of my comfortable bed. "Yeah, keep chatting if you want to, see what happens." He cut his eyes at me.

"Well I kind of need to change, so can you get out." I looked down at my grey tanktop and Gelo's red plaid sleeping pants that were way too big on me but they were really comfortable. My feet were covered by the huge pants and my hair was all over the place.

"You look fine, let's go." He dragged me out of my grey room, but not before I grabbed my phone.

"I need to brush my teeth bro! Can I at least do that? My god." I snatch my hand away from him and make my way to the bathroom and thankfully Zo doesn't follow me. 

I do my business and quickly brush my teeth and brush my hair. I open the bathroom door and see Zo waiting impatiently for me to hurry up in the bathroom. 

"Finally. Now come on and fix my brother, he's been like this all week." He walks down the stairs and I follow in his tracks. I slip on my slides and close the door behind me. 

Me and Zo walked in a comfortable silence to his house. Once we got to the front door, we could hear all the chatter going on behind it. Zo opened the door and everyone's attention averted to us. 

I smiled and waved and they all laughed at my awkwardness. I am way too sleepy to be energetic. LaVar passed me a plate of food and I sat it down on the island and began chowing down.

Once I finished the delicious breakfast, I put my plate in the sink and made my way to the living, where everyone was at. 

Right as I was about to sit down I heard Gelo make a buzzer sound, as if I was incorrect. I look at him, still in a squatting position.

"Your seat is upstairs, next to Melo, as you guys talk. So shoo." He shooed me away with his hand and I let out a sigh.

"Fix my brother." He pointed to the stairs and I made my way to them. 

"Yes sir."

I walked up the stairs and turned down the hall to Melo's bedroom. The door is closed as per usual and I wrapped my hand around the knob. I turned it and revealed Melo laying on his stomach, with his face in his pillow. 

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