" Chapter 1 "

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[ okay so I know there was child in the end of part 1 but I changed the ending for that because everyone waned the kid to be for the end of this story and the ending of part 1 wasn't attended to end that way. Sorry for the confusion. Anyways lets FINALLY begin part 2 ]

Being married to the one and only KIM TAEHYUNG from BTS was great until you get so comfortable with each other that the sparks that was once there wasn't there anymore. It's already been three years since you and taehyung have been a married couple. The first two years of this marriage was great but things started going down hill once we got too comfortable. This is the fifth night you were spending alone again tonight. You get the loneliness every night. You try calling him even though you knew he wouldn't pick up because he was probably too busy practicing. All you wanted was for him to come home to you every night. You didn't mind that he practice late at night knowing that was his job but it would be nice to have him come home and sleep in bed with you. He usually stays at his dorms with the guys because of how tired he was to come home. You knew he wasn't going to come home but you insists on staying up and waiting for him anyways.  You flipped through Chanel after Chanel on the tv not finding anything good to watch. You came upon the Chanel where the guys were performing and you watched taehyung perform and he looked so tired and exhausted. You felt a tear steaming down your face, quickly wiping it. You just missed him so much you haven't seen him for the past five days. He hasn't called or texted you either. He could've at least text me saying he was fine or something but no single text or call in five days that just worry you even more. You finally gave up the face that he was even coming home and turned off the tv and went off to the bed that was meant for you and taehyung. You slept on his side with his shampoo scent still on his pillow. You decided to sleep in one of his shirts. The next morning you woke up still no text or calls from taehyung. You woke up doing your regular routine but still no sign of taehyung. This isn't healthy in a marriage at all. You stayed up again later that night hoping taehyung would come through that door. You were watching tv when you felt yourself dozing off but heard keys jiggling. The door opened and came in taehyung all sweaty and tired.

" Y/N "

He smiled and walked towards you hugging you but you didn't respond back to the hug even though all you wanted to do right now was pull him in for a deep kiss. He pulled away looking at your mad expression.

" you could've at least called or texted me "
" I know I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to be away for that long "

He held onto your waist but you pulled away crossing your arms walking to the bed room while he followed behind.

" are you mad? "
" do you even have to ask "
" I'm sooooo sorry y/n "
" you left me alone here for five nights straight not even calling or texting me. Am I not your wife? "
" you are and I love you so much but you know how strict my company is "
" well I wonder how their wives all feel "
" please y/n I'll make it up to you tomorrow because tomorrow is my day off "
" at this point I don't even care anymore "

You laid in bed while he went to take a shower. He came back out putting his clothes on before climbing into bed. He wrapped his arms around you while he laid his head on your shoulders.

" please don't be mad at me "
" let go "
" no I won't let go until I know you aren't mad anymore "
" well see how I feel in the morning, just go to sleep right now "

He didn't give up but kept trying to get you to talk to him. He kissed your neck and placed his hands under your shirt. He went to your lips and you really wanted him to keep going but you wanted to be mad at him too so you stopped him.

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now