" chapter 9 "

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[ LONG TIME NO POST! But I'm back with chapter 9! Anyways if you guys know people who likes to read books like this recommend my stories to others! THANKS! ]

You quickly walked out after him, I ran to him grabbing his arm to stop him.

" why did you do that? "
" I told you i was going to take care of it didn't I "
" but you know you didn't have to do that "
" what is done is done so don't worry too much any more "
" wait "
" what "
" I'm sorry I called you a jerk "
" whatever, don't worry about it you don't have to apologize it was my fault "

He walked away not saying another work to you nor did he even turn around to say anything. You know didn't he would do something like that. You turned the other way and continued to walk back to your office. Maybe you were wrong maybe he wasn't that same jerk from before but you still can't find yourself to trust him. You took out your phone texting jimin to come to your work place.

" hey if you aren't still mad come by my work place I want to talk "

You looked at your phone and saw that he read it but didn't answer you.

" I know you read my message, please please come I have something to say to you "
" I'll be there at four "

You sat there sitting waiting until four and you didn't know why the time went by so slow. Once it hit exactly four you already left to wait for him outside. You saw him standing outside waiting for you. You quickly jogged over to him

" what did you want to talk about "
" I'm sorry jimin, please believe me it was nothing and I like you and only you "
" how do I know your not lying to me "
" I said yes to you didn't I and if I didn't like you why would I try this hard "
" you're right "
" do you forgive me? "
" I don't know I need something to heel me "

You leaned in giving him a peck on his lips.

" are you heeled now "
" uhmmm not sure I think I need you to try again "

This time you kept your lips on his lips longer before pulling away. He gave you a smile and you knew he forgave you.

" happy now "
" yeah "
" anyways lets go out together this weekend "
" okay "
" anyways I'll see you later, I have to get back to work " 
" okay "

You leaned in giving him a hug before going back to work. You went back inside seeing taehyung but he didn't say anything to you besides walk past you.

after watching y/n go back inside I turned around and started walking back when someone stopped me.

Vanessa: " jimin is that you? "
Jimin: " Vanessa? "
Vanessa: " hey long time no see "
Jimin: " yeah "
Jimin: " anyways why are you here "
Vanessa: " I'm here for taehyung "
Jimin: " ohh so you two are dating now? "
Vanessa: " kinda like that but I actually wanted to talk to you about something "
Jimin: " about? "
Vanessa: " soo I heard you and y/n are dating now? "
Jimin: " yyeah "
Vanessa: " well me and taehyung are engaged "
Jimin: " WHAT! Your engaged "
Vanessa: " and I wanted to ask you to please watch keep y/n away from taehyung "
Jimin: " why? "
Vanessa: " I just don't want anything to happen so please just keep them away from each other okay "

End of POV
you were so out of your own mind that you didn't pay attention to what you were typing. You kept thinking about what taehyung did for you. You really needed to thank him for doing that. You got up and walked to his office knocking on his door. You heard him say come in and opened this door.

" h-hey "
" yes? "
" sooo, I wanted to thank you "
" for what? "
" for what happened earlier "
" no need to thank me I did that because I wanted to "
" yeah but still I wanted to thank you "
" it's fine "

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