" chapter 8 "

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[ WOOHOO! Another chapter updated for you guys! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST READERS EVER! 😘😘 ]

You looked at him still a little surprised.

" I'm sorry I did that but don't worry the guy said it was going to be anonymous and when it comes out they won't know it's us "
" it's fine, but I think I should leave now "

You grabbed your things leaving his place. You placed your hands over your chest still feeling your heart beating quickly. You got in your car going back to your place. You got out of the car seeing jimin waiting for you already. You already felt so bad that you lied to him but you felt even more guilty for that kiss earlier. You know it was just business but you still felt so bad. He saw you and smiled you quickly walked up to him cupping his cheeks tip toeing and kissed him. You felt him wrap his arms around your waist. You pulled away looking at him

" what was that? "
" I just felt bad that I kept lagging on you and I just want you to know that I really like you "

He smiled while looking at you

" I know "

You held his hands dragging him inside your house. You opened the door for the both of you.

" so I was thinking since you've been so busy this week we should just binge watch movies and order pizza instead of actually going out "
" that sounds great "
" pepperoni? "
" you know it "

He took out his phone ordering some pizza for the both of us. You both sat on the couch and it did still feel a bit awkward because you two didn't really know what you two should do next.

" do uhh I don't know wanna- "

You stopped him and looked at him

" I don't want us dating to be awkward for us let's just be ourselves like how we were when we weren't dating "
" I'll like that "

You sat near him while he wrapped his arms around you and everything seems to be fine later on. You two watched movies all night. You heard the door bell ring and went over to open the door seeing the pizza guy. You grabbed your purse taking some cash out but Jimin walked over grabbing the cash from your hands and giving the pizza guy the money. He grabbed the pizza and closed the door.

" why didn't you let me pay for it "
" because when your with me I don't want you to pay for anything "
" you're the best "
" I know "

You two sat down eating the pizza together. You two were so into each other and the movie that you forgot about the time. He looked at the time on his watch

" it's already 12am "
" you should really get going "
" I really don't want to "
" I know but we can do this again some other time "
" okay "

He got up walking to the door, he opened the door but stopped midway. He coughed while looking at you and you knew what he wanted. You kissed his cheeks but he still didn't walk out

" that's it? "
" what else is there? "
" nothing "

You chuckled while rolling your eyes, you leaned in and peck his lips.

" Better "
" way better "
" okay now hurry and go it's late "

He nodded and walked out you watch him leave before closing the door. You walked to bed feeling like a zombie. You were so tired and drained out. You laid down and had a little flashback to that kiss with taehyung earlier. You shook your head trying to get rid of that memory. You felt your eyes getting heavier. You woke up the next morning with your phone alarm. You pressed snoozed and fell asleep again. You heard your alarm again this time you actually woke up. You were so tired from last night with jimin. You got ready and headed off to work. As soon as you got to work it felt weird. You felt eyes on you and people whispering. You walked into your department and went to your desk you still felt the stares.

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now