" chapter 11 "

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" the boss "

Your POV
John: " ohh then I should get going then "

John left and you were left mad with taehyung.

" WHY! "
" I was doing that to protect you "
" he looked like a bad person "
" okay the only bad person here is you "
" look y/n you don't know what guys are capable of "
" well obviously I do and you just can't but in my love life whenever you feel like "
" well what about jimin? Wouldn't you be hurting him if you went out with john I mean you two are dating right "

You stayed quiet not wanting to answer his question.

" You two are dating aren't you? "
" n-no "
" you're not? "
" this is my business not yours "

You left he office not wanting to talk about this any longer. You couldn't believe he did that to you. You went to go look for john explaining everything to him.

" hey john "
John: " look I'm sorry I didn't know you and him were dating "
" don't worry we're not "
John: " you're not "
" no, anyways since that whole chaos took up our time how about we reschedule that coffee plan "
John: " how about I take you out for dinner tonight and we'll call it even "

You were a bit unsure because you and jimin were basically still a thing and because of stupid taehyung you were a bit scared too. But you shook those thoughts to the side and agreed to go. Besides it's just dinner it's not like I was ever going to give him a chance.

" sure "
" great tonight I'll come get you at seven "
" I'll see you tonight "

He smiled at you going back to his office while you went back to yours. You took out your phone texting jimin letting him know just incase

" hey soo, I'm going out for dinner tonight with a friend "
" who? "
" the new guy at our work place "
" already "
" that's why I wanted to let you know first and don't worry it's just one dinner and I promise I won't go out with him "
" I don't know about this "
" it's just like pity date I promised him a coffee hangout but that got ruined so I'll just do this to make it up for him "
" are you sure? "
" well call me the minute he makes a move on you "
" I defiantly will "

End of text message
Taehyung: " so you're going out with this guy "
" yeah "
" well I forbid you to go "
" you can't tell me what to do "
" fine then I'll tell jimin "
" i already told him "
" listen y/n I have a bad feeling about this guy "
" don't worry if anything happens then it's all on me "

The day was ending and you needed to go home and get changed for your little date with john.

" are you really still going "
" yup "

You really didn't want to go but you were only doing it because of him. You walked out of the office and went to your car. You came home and started getting ready. It was exactly six o'clock and you had an hour. You found a causal outfit and lightly curled your hair. Once it hit seven you heard your door bell ring. You quickly went to open the door for him.

" wow you look nice "
" so do you "
" shall we "
" we shall "

You linked your arms around his before he escorted you to his car. You went inside his nice fancy car and he drove to the nicest looking restaurant. You guys finally arrived, he went to the other side to open the door for you. You had nothing to be afraid of he was a total gentle men. You two went Inside the nice looking restaurant.

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