" chapter 3 "

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[ woohoo! I'm trying to update as much as I can before I start getting busy again ]

" I guess I don't love you anymore y/n "
" what? "
" I guess lately I have felt that what we had is gone "
" so what are you saying? "
" I'm saying that I don't love you the way I used to "

You felt your tears already streaming down your face. Every word that came out of his mouth felt like knifes being stabbed into your heart.

" why didn't you say anything to me? "
" I didn't want to hurt you "
" well how do you think I feel now? "
" It was never my intention to hurt you "
" well you didn't just hurt me you broke my heart and that was the last thing I thought you would ever do to me "
" I'm sorry "
" stop it with all the I'm sorry because I know you aren't really sorry if you were sorry then you would've stoped long ago "
" so what are we going to do? "
" I just need a couple of days to think alone "
" sure, and I'll leave you alone "
" you don't have to go. This is your home as well "
" I'll sleep on the couch tonight "
" you don't have to either this is also still your house to taehyung and even if I'm upset with you I wouldn't make you sleep on the couch "

You walked into your room changing into different clothes to wear for bed. You laid in bed still feeling your tears stream down your face. You heard taehyung come in the room and changed before climbing into bed. It has never been so uncomfortable between you two at all. You faced the other way while he faced the other way. The whole night it was quiet and you could feel the tension. About an hour later you knew taehyung was sleeping because you heard his little snore which he only does when he's really tired. You looked at the time and it 2am but you weren't tired at all. All that was on your mind was taehyung's rude words from earlier. You got up and went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You placed the glass cup on the counter and turned around to leave but accidentally bumped it making it fall on the floor breaking into many glass pieces. You bent down to pick up the broken glass pieces and accidentally made a cut on your hand and it started bleeding. You didn't know why but you bursted out crying while holding your bleeding hands. You basically felt like the glass cup right now. You sat on the ground crying for a good ten minutes and finally got up to wash the dry blood off your hands. You cleaned up your cut on your hand and went to finish cleaning the broken glass pieces. You finished cleaning it and went back to the room. You walked over to taehyung side and seeing him finally getting some rest made you happy. You looked at his beautiful face and flashback to the years when you two were still happy came back to your mind. You remember when you used to be the stalker hiding in bushes fan girl when you two were still in high school. Being married to him is the luckiest thing a girl could ever ask for but being married to him didn't go as plan. You loved him so much that you would do anything to protect him but people change and apparently so does the heart. You didn't notice that you fell asleep while looking at him.

Taehyung POV
I woke up the next morning reaching over to y/n side but she wasn't there. I got up quickly and saw her sitting down and laying her head beside me. I got up and bridal carried her placing her on the bed. I saw a bandaged wrapped around her hand and if I remembered correctly she didn't have that on last night. I unwrapped the bandaged seeing a cut on her hand that wasn't cleaned well. I went to grab the first aid kit cleaning up the cut correctly and wrapping it with a different bandage. I got up and got ready leaving a note on the fridge for her

" I know you said I shouldn't go but I'll leave to give you time to think about it. And I know you said I shouldn't apologize to you so much but I'm sorry y/n I'm truly sorry "

Your POV
You woke up the next morning turning to the other side of the bed trying to wrap your arms around him but he was already gone. That's been a habit of yours since the day you two got married and it felt so weird without him. You got up checking the bathrooms and the living room and he left already. You went to the kitchen seeing a note on the fridge reading it. He really wasn't going to stay and work things out with you but leave you alone to think alone. He doesn't even notice that You need him more then ever right now You looked at your hand and it was nicely bandaged. You went to the living room and sat down and all you really needed right now was someone to accompany you. You didn't want to call jimin because you didn't want him to even know about this situation that you and taehyung were having right now. You also didn't want to go to the company either because you didn't want to see Vanessa or taehyung together right now. But you did want to see the boys so you decided to just go anways. You got ready and went to the company and greeting everyone there. You walked to the dance practice room and opened the door surprisingly taehyung wasn't with them. All you saw was the two dorks who you call your best friends.

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now