" chapter 6 "

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[ I'm back with CHAPTER 6 ]

You felt the awkward tension from taehyung and jimin.

Jimin: " long time no see "

Jimin and taehyung both shook hands beside trying to break the awkward situation. You couldn't stand here any longer because if you did you think you might throw up.

" excuse me "

You left to the car first while jimin followed behind you to the car.

" you okay y/n? "
" yeah I'm fine I just want to go home "
" look I didn't know they would even be there "
" it's okay, I know you didn't know I just didn't want to stand there any longer "
" I'm sorry y/n I really didn't want you to feel uncomfortable "
" it's okay let's just go "

He nodded before opening the door for you. You went inside the car while he went to the driver seat and drove you back home. The car ride was quiet but surprisingly it didn't feel to awkward. You finally arrived home you stepped out of jimin car. He walked to your side with his hands in his pocket.

" soooo "

You smiled seeing how adorable he just looks standing there with his hands in his pocket.

" good night jimin "

You leaned in and kissed his cheeks and pulled away but he grabbed your arm. You turned to look at him and he had a serious look on his face.

" y/n "
" what's wrong "
" I've been holding this in for too long and I feel like the longer I wait I might drive myself crazy "
" what is it "

He pulled you back cupping your cheeks pulling you in for a kiss. You were caught by surprise and didn't expect that. Your eyes widen a bit but the longer he kept his lips with yours the more you were into it. You closed your eyes wrapping your arms around him while he wrapped his arms around yours. He pulled away looking at you while you smiled at him.

" please be my girlfriend? "
" I'll think about it "

You pulled away from his hold and was about to go inside.

" are you really going to just let me kiss you and then not answer me "
" yup, to keep you curious "
" really? "

You went to the door opening the door but turned around to looked at him. You called his name to get his attention

" jimin "

He stopped and turned to look at you

" yes "
" WHAT "

He walked to your door but you went inside closing the door. You heard him on the other side of the door knocking

" was that you being serious? "

You took out your phone to text him

" I'm serious, I'm willing to give it a try but anyways we will talk more GOOD NIGHT "

you sent the text message and knew he got it when he walked away happily. You have to admit you did like him and you would be lying if you said that you were completely over taehyung because you weren't. You just thought maybe this would leave away all the bad memories and start some new ones with someone else. You took a shower and went to bed laying down touching your phone when you got a text message from jimin.


" thanks for making my night tonight now I can't sleep "
" lol go to sleep you need to rest GOOD NIGHT "

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