" Chapter 5 "

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[ sorry for the slow update I've been busy lately but I'm back with a new chapter ]

It's only been two years and he's already engaged to another woman. How thoughtless can he be. You spent the last year trying to get over him and how he just ended our perfectly good marriage. You looked at Vanessa who linked her arm around taehyung tightly as if you were going steal him away from her.

" ohh she's your fiancé "
Vanessa: " yeah me and taehyung are getting married soon "
" that's great "

You looked taehyung who smiled at you and you have to admit you really wanted to slap him hard right now.

Dylan: " Y/N "

You turned around hearing your name being called from a distance. You smiled when you saw Dylan jogging over towards you guys.

Dylan: " hey who's this? "
" just an old friend of mine "
Dylan: " really we should all go out for lunch together "
" it's okay they have to leave right now anyways "
Taehyung: " yeah we have to leave
Dylan: " alright, well I hope we can all catch up again soon. "

You and Dylan both left to go grab some lunch.

Taehyung POV
I don't think that y/n knows that I'm going to be the new the owner of the company yet. After watching her walk off I walked back into my office. I sat down on my spinning chair while Vanessa came and sat down on my lap wrapping her arms around me

" don't tell me she's going to be working here too? "
" yeah she's going to be working here "
" but why? I don't really want her near you, you know after all you two were married once and I'm afraid "

I moved the piece of hair out from her face cupping her cheeks giving her a peck on the lips. She smiled at me while I smiled back at her.

" don't worry about it okay. Nothing is going to happen between us again we were married as in the past. You know I love you right "
" yeah "
" and you're the girl wearing the my ring meaning I love you and nothing will get in the way of us "
" thanks "

I know that working with y/n might be a bit awkward between us two but this is just business so I have to make it work even if it feels weird. It shouldn't be hard since we aren't married anymore and my feelings aren't there anymore.

Your POV
after having lunch with Dylan you two went back to work and was supposed to be meeting with the new boss after wards. You guys went to your department and started cleaning up your desks to make it look more presentable. You guys all stood at your own desk and you were hoping the new boss would be much better then the other one but you were wrong again. The door opened and you saw someone you would never have Excepted. It was taehyung, how did he even get the job here as the new boss. Dylan leaned over to your ears whispering something to you

" hey isn't he your friend? "
" y-yeah "
" he's the new boss here? "
" I guess so "
" did you know about that? "
" not at all "
" is he nice? "
" uhmm sure "
" what do you mean sure? "
" I'm not sure I haven't talked to him in like two years "

He walked towards yours and Dylan's desk giving you guys a smile. You lifted up your head and smiled quickly before looking down at your feet again. This was going to be so awkward working with him. It's even more weirder that you were married to him once in your life. You were hoping that this would go smoothly and there would be no things mention from the past.

" hello everyone I'm Kim taehyung I'm going to be running this for the next couple of months "

You looked around and saw lots of of the office girls going crazy over him. Either they just thought he was cute or they were his fans before. He left the office and you finally went back to work. Your phone started ringing and of course it was the one and only park jimin calling you in the middle of the day at work.

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now