" chapter 17 "

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[ sorry I'm so slow on updating!!! I've been so busy with my busy life schedule! 😭😭😭😭 ]

" I'm pregnant "

I stood there with my heart still racing so quickly.

" so y/n I'm please begging you to please leave him I don't want his child to grow up without a father "

I still didn't know how else I should answer her because I was still trying to process the news in.

" why are you telling me first? "
" because I didn't want to let him know yet "
" well, I'll let him know then "
" no, I'll tell him myself "

I closed the door not wanting to hear anymore of it. I walked to my couch and sat down and I still couldn't believe the news I just got. Was she really pregnant with his child? Why does this always happen to me? Why do I always get the bad things in life? I've been good my whole life and I always seem to get the bad things all the time no matter how hard I try. I didn't know what I was going to do, I didn't know how I was going to just shut out taehyung after we just fixed everything that was bad about us. I really don't know what to think anymore because the more I think about the more upset I get.

Next DAY

The next day I went into work and I still couldn't get the news out of my head. I walked into the office seeing taehyung smile at me but I didn't say anything except went straight to my desk. He got up and walked over to me turning my chair around so he was hovering over me leaning down to face me.

" what's wrong? "
" nothing "
" well it doesn't look like nothing to me "
" really I'm fine, anyways can you go bring this to the ladies in the front so they can bring our designs to go get approved "

I turned my chair back around and started working again without saying anything to him. He placed the folder down on my desk and turned my chair around again.

" y/n what's wrong tell me "
" nothing I just have a lot on my mind because of this design project "
" I know it's not that "
" taehyung please, just let me finish this "

He got up and grabbed the folder walking out of the office. I really just wanted to cry right now, seeing his face made me feel even more sad. I always thought it would be me having his kids and having a little family with him, except it's the other way around.

Vanessa POV
I sat in my bathroom holding my pregnancy test seeing two lines meaning I'm pregnant. I started pacing around the room feeling even more freaked out because my parents are coming soon. Except I have a big secret that I don't how or who to tell. Having this child will be hard on me but I didn't want to take this baby's life away. I had to tell someone and I was going to start with y/n first I'll tell her and then I'll tell taehyung. I walked around my own room bitting my fingers. I looked at my phone and I couldn't find myself to click on taehyung name. I starred at my phone for a while before actually clicking on his name. The phone rang three times before he picked up.

" Vanessa I told you not to call anymore "
" I know but I have something important to tell you "
" like what? "
" please meet me at the cafe near your place "
" fine "

I grabbed my things and putting on my shoes before going to wait for taehyung. I was afraid to tell him because I didn't know how he would take it. But my biggest fear is if he leaves me now then I won't have anyone else. I waited and it felt like years to me, finally I saw him entering the cafe walking towards me.

" look Vanessa if you're here to talk about us getting back together then I'll just leave now "
" it's not that, well it's kinda of related to that "
" okay then what is it ? "
" please don't be upset when I tell you "
" what!? "
" I'm "
" you're what? "
" I'm pregnant "
" WHAT! "

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