" chapter 13 "

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I stood there looking at jimin after just admitting everything.

" I was jealous of you back in high school and I'm still jealous of you now because i couldn't give y/n the life she wants "
Jimin: " taehyung "
" I regret everything I did to her and I really wish I could do something about it "
Jimin: " yeah, you should regret it because y/n is someone who you wouldn't want to lose. If it weren't for you I would've got her for myself in high school and showered her a better married life. I have always been that person that gave up everything but this time I'm going to be selfish about it " 
" you're right "
Jimin: " what do you mean? "
" you could've showed her a better married life than me that's why I'm not going to try any more I know she won't ever take me back and I know if I do try she will hate me more than she already does "

I turned around and said something before I left.

" please take care of her and don't hurt her like how I did "

I walked to my car getting inside my car and I felt tears streaming down my face. I touched my face feeling my tears and I rarely cry. I drove back home seeing that my lights were still on while parked in the drive way meaning Vanessa was still there. I opened my front door seeing her sitting down legs and arms crossed.

" sorry I just left like that "
" yeah and why? "

I figure since I won't even be getting y/n back I should just keep what I have.

" sorry there was a bit of an emergency "

I walked over to her sitting next to her while wrapping my arms around her waist.

" don't think you can just come here and wrap your arms around me thinking I'll just forgive you easily "
" I think that I've made you wait to long "
" too long for what? "
" our engagement "

She uncrossed her arms and legs looking at me

" let's get married next week "

She got up with wide eyes looking at me

" yes "
" I'm serious "

She covered her mouth with tears filling her eyes. She jumped up and down while hugging me cupping my cheeks giving me a kiss.

" I can't wait, we have to prepare everything "
" don't worry everything is covered "
" everything? "
" remember all those times you thought I wasn't listen to how you wanted to plan our wedding "
" yeah "
" well I was I will have all that prepared all you have to do is pick your dress and look more beautiful than you already are "

She smiled me before cupping my cheeks giving me another kiss. I smiled at her but on the inside I was a little hurt, now I know how y/n felt.

Your POV
I heard the door bell quickly going to check who it is. You saw it was jimin and quickly let him in.

" hey I didn't know you were coming "
" yeah me either "
" come in "

He came and as soon as you turned around to face him he pulled you in for a kiss. Your eyes widen he pulled away looking at you.

" w-what was that for? "
" let's stop being friends and date "

I stood there looking at him, usually I would've just said yes but something was also telling to say no.

" I know I told you that we should just be friend until we figured out our feelings but I felt so dumb for even saying that I didn't want us to be together "
" jimin I don't know what to say "
" don't tell me it's because of him "
" of course not, I'm still confused about my feelings to just give me a week to figure this out "
" alright, I won't rush you "
" thanks for understanding "
" anyways sorry I kissed you so suddenly "
" it's okay "

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