" chapter 18 "

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[ WOOHOO! Back again with chapter 18 ]

Taehyung POV
" w-what do you mean it doesn't match mine? "
" I'm not saying that the baby is unhealthy but I think you need to take some time and talk this out with your wife "
" how? "
" I promised you that I did run the test twice and the same results came up "
" okay thanks "

I walked back to the room that Vanessa was in, I was filled with anger but I wasn't going to take it out on her. Instead I clenched my fists into a ball and faked my smile.

Your POV
it's been two weeks since I've  last seen or talk to taehyung. I was also out of a job and didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to tell jimin anything yet because I didn't want him to feel like I was trying to start something again. I just needed someone right here with me right now telling me everything is going to be okay. I heard my phone ringing, I quickly looked at the contact name.


I picked up the phone and it was great to hear his angelic voice again.

" hey y/n "
" I missed you a lot, you're never around anymore "
" sorry that I haven't been around much but do you want me to come over today "
" sure, but let's go out today I want to just go out and get some fresh air "
" okay "

I went to my room taking a nice shower and got ready. I haven't gone out for some proper fresh air ever since the little situation two weeks ago. I got out of the shower wiping the fog off my mirror from the hot shower I just took. I looked at myself in the mirror and wondering if my life will get any better. I got out of the bathroom and went to look for clothes. The door bell rang but I was still in my towel. I went to check who it was and it was jimin. I stood behind the door opening the door for him to come in the house.

" why are you hiding behind the door? "

I closed the door and he turned around and saw that I was still in my towel only. He quickly turned back around and coughed feeling the awkwardness.

" y-your still naked? "
" yeah sorry i was still getting ready "
" okay I'll just wait for you out here "

He still didn't look at me but walked to the couch. I went back inside my room changing into my clothes, I came back to the living room seeing jimin waiting for me.

" okay lets go "

He smiled and got up to open the door for me, we walked to his car getting inside.

" so what should we do today y/n? "
" let's go to the movies, I've been wanting to see the new scary movie that just came out "
" wait scary movie? "
" yes "

He looked at me like he didn't want to go

" are you scared of horror movies "
" n-no "

I chuckled a bit from his hesitation

" okay, I'll let you pick the movie jimin "
" no it's fine we can watch the scary movie "

We drove to the movie theaters and bought our tickets along with popcorn. We found our seats and just in time because the movie was starting. The movie started off okay until the scary parts started popping out. I turned to see jimin covering his eyes a bit and I couldn't help but laugh at him.

" what's so funny "
" you? "

After an hour of the movie you two left, we decided to just take a stroll around the park.

" so how's you and taehyung? "
" I don't know actually "
" what do you mean? "
" things are a bit complicated right now "
" how? "

Talking about taehyung did make me want to cry a little bit because of how much I missed him. Two weeks may not be a lot but to me it felt like two years.

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