" chapter 4 "

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[ I probably won't get to post much because of my schedule I won't have much time 😭😭 ]

" is this really how you want to end it? "
" what are other choices do we have "
" fine "
" also you don't have to worry I'll be the one leaving you don't have to leave "

He left leaving with out saying another word to you. This was the worst day ever in your whole entire life. You just lost the man who meant the world to you. You went home and everything at home reminded you of him. The living room where you two cuddled and had a movie marathon. The kitchen where you two ate together every night. The bedroom where you two shared and slept together every night. Everything in this whole house only brought back the memories. You sat down in the living room seeing the picture of you and taehyung that was framed and placed on your coffee table. You looked at it while crying, you grabbed the picture carefully placing it down on the table. You heard someone knocking at the door and went over to look to see who it was. It was jimin but you didn't want him to see that you've been crying. You quickly wiped your tears before opening the door with a smile.

" hey you okay? "
" of course why wouldn't I be "

He stepped in and grabbed you by the shoulders pulling you into a hug. He lightly tapped the back of your back and had his hand on top of your head.

" It's okay just let it out "

You finally cried it out and let every emotions out not caring if the neighbors heard your loud crying. You cried so much to the point where you made a damp tear spot on jimin shirt. After letting your emotions out you felt a little bit better.

" thanks for comforting me, I really needed that "
" anytime, but what happened between with you and taehyung I thought you two were so happy together "
" I did to "
" so what happened "
" I'm not sure myself, all I know is he doesn't love me anymore "
" why? "
" I guess feelings change " 
" not everyone "
" what do you mean "
" I'm just saying, but taehyung shouldn't have handled it that way and most importantly shouldn't have cheated on you " I know but what can I do I can't do anything about it "

Just then the door open and you and jimin both saw taehyung standing by the door.

" jimin can you leave me and y/n alone "

Jimin nodded and walked over to taehyung.

Jimin: " don't be hard on her okay "

He left leaving you and taehyung alone which made the tension even worst.

" so like I said you don't have to leave I'll leave "
" taehyung can we please talk about it some more "
" no we already talked about it and agreed about what we were going to do "
" but you didn't let me talk yet. Please listen to what I have to say first and if it still doesn't work out we'll go through with your choice "
" fine "
" I really don't want a divorce, and most of all I don't want to lose you please let us talk about it some more and think of something different because I still love you so much even if you don't love me anymore "

You walked up to him grabbing his hands holding onto his wrists. He looked at you and you really thought that he would reconsider but you thought wrong. He removed your hands from his wrist looking at you.

" I'm sorry y/n I don't want us to hate each other I still won't change my mind "

He went to the bedroom to pack his clothes and came back out with a suit case.

" I'm sorry y/n that I couldn't give you what you wanted but I really hope you find someone better then me I'll come by tomorrow with papers "

With that he was out the door and this was reality he was really leaving you for someone else. You dropped down to the ground sitting down placing your hand over your chest because of how hurt you were felling right now. You cried feeling your heart feel so broken right now, who knew having your heart broken could hurt this much. You got up looking at all the pictures of you and taehyung that was framed on your walls. Pictures of you and him at your wedding and at your honey moon. That's when you thought life couldn't get any better but you were wrong again. You've been wrong about a lot of things lately. The night was coming and you couldn't sleep at all. You haven't been getting any sleep lately because of how things are right now. Sometimes you wished you had a time machine to go back in time to change everything. You laid on the couch not having any energy to get up and actually go lay on your bed. You didn't really want to go to the bed room and sleep on the bed anyways because it reminded you too much about taehyung. Even if he's gone his scent was still lingering around the room. You fell asleep while thinking and didn't even realized that. The next morning you woke up hearing a loud knock on your door. You opened your eyes trying to adjust to the light that was being brought by the sun. You finally got up lazily and opened the door seeing taehyung at the door. You opened the door and let him in

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