" chapter 2 "

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You sat there watching everyone eat but you didn't want to show any of them that you were actually heart broken at the moment. Taehyung lifted up a spoon full bringing it up to your lips telling you to eat it. You smiled and nodded your head telling him to eat it.

" eat it "
" you need the energy more then me "
" come on just eat it, seeing you eat makes me feel happy "

You managed to pull off a fake smile and happily ate the food. After lunch everyone all laid on the dance floor holding there bellies.

Jin: " that was good but not as good as mine "
Jungkook: " that was two times better then yours "

Jin grabbed Jungkook in a head lock messing around. You watched the happy boys play around when you felt taehyung hand intertwine with yours. You looked at your intertwined hands and that was the same hands that was holding another girl hands. You lifted up your head smiling at him while he pulled you in closer to him. The door suddenly opened and came in the same girl that taehyung was holding hands with earlier. She greeted everyone and you were even surprised she greeted you.

" hi I'm Vanessa, and you are "
" I'm taehyung wi- "

Taehyung suddenly butted in and introduced you to her but not the way you wanted him to.

" she's my uhh friend she's just here to visit us "
" ohh that's cool, how come you never told me you had a friend "
" she's always busy with work and stuff "

Did he really just introduced you to her as his " friend " you couldn't believe how cruel he was. Was he that scared to tell her you were his wife. You decided to excuses yourself out of the room

" would you excuse me I have to go use the restrooms "

You left the room with tears foaming in your eyes. You felt taehyung grab your wrists stopping you.

" y/n I'm sorry "
" why did you tell her I was your friend? Are you ashamed of me "
" of course not "
" then why would you tell her I was your friend and not your wife "
" because she's new here and I didn't want her to feel the need to be so awkward around me knowing I'm married "

You knew all those words he said was all lies everything was a lie just like this marriage.

" then you are ashamed of me? "
" no I'm not please believe me, once we finish working with her I promise I'll let her know I'm married okay "

You looked away not wanting to make eye contact with him. He grabbed your chin lifting it up making sure you were looking into his eyes.

" okay "
" okay "

He pulled you into a hug but it still didn't feel right. He grabbed your hands walking back inside but as soon as we got inside he let go of your hands. You sat down watching them all practice and the whole time you can see her glaring and winking at taehyung the whole practice. You really couldn't take this any longer and decided to just leave.

" taehyung I'll see you at home okay "
Vanessa: " home? You two live together "
Taehyung: " ohh no we live across each other "
Vanessa: " ohh okay "

You left the practice room and your heart felt so betrayed and broken. Who knew your marriage would turn out like this. You always thought that once you were married you would be living like a princess with her prince. But you thought wrong, how could taehyung do this to you. We're you not good enough for him that he had to go behind your back and cheat on you. You were so into your thoughts that you didn't see the car coming your way and almost hit them. You quickly braked your car and stopped to look up seeing the drivers yelling and cursing at you while driving away. You apologized and that's when you finally let it all out. You just cried your little eyes out not caring if any one heard or saw you. You finally drove home your eyes still swollen. You threw your keys somewhere and slid down on the door pulling your knees up to your chest. You were so tired that you didn't even noticed that you were sleeping on the ground. You felt the door open seeing taehyung walk inside seeing you sleep on the ground. He quickly ran towards you looking worried

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now