" chapter 7 "

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[ idk I just wanted to make this a little fun but i didn't want to rush this story too much ]

You waved goodbye to jimin before walking away. You could hear his foot steps behind you. You stopped and turned around to face him.

" what was that? "
" what was what? "
" you know what I meant "
" y/n I'm the boss of the this company and letting my clients see my employees with their friends and not working is not good for our reputation "
" we were just talking "
" well it didn't look like it "
" well it's my life stop telling my what I can and can't do we aren't married anymore "

You stopped yourself realizing what you just said to him. He chuckled and walked up to you leaning to whisper in your ears.

" you really think I stopped you because of that reason, well you're wrong because I could care less about who you date "

He lightly brushed your shoulders before walking away from you. You could feel every anger you had in your body right now. You walked back to your office feeling really angry. You were working when your other boss came in.

" y/n "
" yes Mr. Jeon "
" I have a mission for you "
" what is it ? "
" so we are trying to get our wedding designs in the bridal magazine next week and I really really need you and taehyung to go for the interview with them? "
" what about Dylan "
" I chose you because you are one of the best workers here and I think you and taehyung will handle it well "
" sure when is it "
" tonight at seven at his house "
" yes is there a problem l
" uhh of course not "
" great make sure you do well "

Taehyung POV
I really didn't care much about who y/n date because I know that she isn't someone who I should be concern much about anymore but I did get a slight bit mad when I saw jimin kiss y/n today even thought i shouldn't be. I sat down working for the next couple hours and I looked at the time on my watch seeing that it was time to leave already. I grabbed my things ready to leave but the other boss who also helps me run this company came in.

" taehyung "
" yes "
" remember how we talked about getting our wedding designs into the bridal magazines "
" yes "
" well I talked to the head owner and he's willing to get us in if we did an interview "
" sure when is it? "
" tonight at seven and You'll be there with y/n "
" Y/N "
" what is up with you and y/n about working together "
" of course not that sounds great "

He left my office and I wish he had warned me sooner. I heard a knock on my door seeing Vanessa.

" hey, I was just about to leave "
" well I wanted to come pick you up "
" you really didn't have to "
" well if we're going to be married we really need to start making it work "
" like? "
" like tonight I'm going to sleep at your place tonight "
" actually I can't tonight "
" why not "
" well because I have a interview with a magazine company tonight and it's important to our company "
" why don't you ever have time for me "
" I'm sorry "
" I'm tired with the I'm sorrys "
" I really didn't know also I have to be with y/n tonight "
" WHAT "
" but don't worry it's only for work "
" whatever "

She left my office feeling mad at me. I took a deep breath before getting ready to leave. I heard another knock seeing y/n coming in my office.

" so you heard about tonight's plan "
" yeah "
" well lets go and just get this over with "

Your POV

We walked to his car and you could feel the awkwardness. You couldn't believe that the man who used to be the love of your life was standing here right now with you and you can't find yourself to say anything to him. You got in the car and it was quiet which made it even weirder for you. You guys finally arrived at his place and he seems to be doing fine. You went inside seeing pictures of him and Vanessa together on the wall. You smiled when you remembered that you used to have pictures of you and taehyung on your wall when you two were still happy.

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