" chapter 19 "

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Your POV
when taehyung said that those hurtful words to me I wasn't thinking and said whatever that popped up in my head.

" does it look like I'm lying "

I clenched my fists together because I knew that I was lying to him and I knew how much it hurts to be lied to.

" please tell me you are lying "
" no I'm not, after that night I called jimin over and things happened "

I tried to stop my mouth from blabbing lies out but I couldn't the anger took over me and I just kept on talking and saying things even though I don't mean it. I looked at him in the eye and I knew it hurt him because he had tears streaming down his face.

" maybe you are right y/n we just aren't meant to be together. Because every time where together something bad always happens and I'm starting to thinking this isn't the life I want "
" then leave and never come back here "
" is that what you really want? "

I didn't answer him because that's not what I want at all. I want him to be with me forever and I want to be happy with him again, instead I didn't want to even give him a single glance.

" y-yes "
" okay then "

He walked past me but stopped and turned to face me.

" but just know my door is always open for you whenever you decide to come back "

He left and I had a little flashback to the time he left me and it happened the same way but this time he didn't leave me for good. I heard my door close and finally let the tears out. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore I walked to my room taking out the picture of me and taehyung. I looked at it before throwing it in the trash and laid down on my bed. I tossed and turned all night not getting a proper sleep because I had so much on my mind at the moment but it started raining and that fit my mood well. I woke back up and took the picture out of my trash again cleaning it and putting it back in my drawer. I just couldn't throw away the memories because that's the only memory I had even though all I wanted to do was get him out of my mind. If I could go back I would change everything from the first day I met him in his dressing room and to the day I said yes to his proposal. I laid in bed still not being able to sleep I looked at the time and it was already four in the morning. I gave up on trying to sleep and decided to drink some coffee. I suddenly heard a knock on my door and from that point on I started to feel scared. Who would come knocking on my door at four in the morning. I grabbed my umbrella and looked through the peep hole seeing jimin standing outside. I quickly opened the door for him to come in because it was still raining hard out there. He came in with his clothes all soaked from the heavy rain.

" jimin what are you doing here at four in the morning? "
" I couldn't sleep, I had to come and see you "
" well you could've waited until noon or something you're all wet "

I reach to touch his face but he grabbed my hand looking at me with a serious face.

" y/n why do you do this to me? "
" do what? "
" why do you make me go so crazy for you? "

He took my hand bringing it close to his chest

" this is how much you make me go crazy for you "

I slowly moved me hand away from him

" you should go change, I don't want you getting sick "

I was going to walk away but he grabbed my arm again pulling me back. This is the first time I've seen him cry in front of me.

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