" chapter 14 "

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[ woohoo!! Sorry for the long wait on the chapter ]

Vanessa looked at you and taehyung with a confused look.

Vanessa: " what's going on? "
Taehyung: " it's not what it looks like "

Vanessa: " are you doing this again "

You looked at the person who was interviewing us. He looked confused and didn't know what was going on exactly.

" what's going on? "
Taehyung turned to look at you and you shook your head no as in don't it. He turned back to look at Vanessa and then back at you again.

Taehyung: " me and y/n aren't married "
" WHAT! But you two kissed and everything "
Taehyung: " I know but all of this was a lie "
" even the interview "
Taehyung: " that's was probably the honest thing we've been telling you "
" so you two aren't married at all, then what was all this for "
Taehyung: " all of this was all just to get our designs in the magazines I'm truly sorry we lied to you "
" so you two lied to me and deceived me "
Taehyung: " well only- "

You quickly cut taehyung from his sentence and finished it for him.

" it was me that wanted to do this plan it was never taehyung fault I did it i was the one who asked him to lie for the sake of our company "

Taehyung looked at you and was about to say something but you squeezed his hand telling him to not say anything.

" since you two lied to me I won't be putting your designs in my stores "

He left without saying another word to you or taehyung. Vanessa stood there still looking at the both of us. You walked up to Vanessa seeing her arms crossed with a mad look on her face.

" look I'm sorry Vanessa I di- "

She slapped you across your face you reach to cup your cheeks.


Taehyung ran over to us and grabbed onto her but she refused to let him touch.

Vanessa: " you think you can just say sorry and get away with it, he's me fiancé "

You looked at taehyung and Vanessa taehyung had a worried look on his face.

Taehyung: " y/n are you okay? "
Vanessa: " are you really asking her if she's okay? "
Taehyung: " yes "
" now you know how it's feels like don't you? "

Vanessa stopped arguing with taehyung and looked at you. You felt your right side cheek feeling hot from the slap from earlier.

Vanessa: " what are you talking about! "
" now you know how I feels to have someone else take away your fiancé just like how you took away my husband from me "

She stood there not knowing what to say to you

" you dare have the audacity to tell me I'm stealing your fiancé away! You stole my husband from me and now you know the real pain and how much that hurts "
Vanessa: " SHUT UP! "
" you two are perfect for each other "

You grabbed your things and left but taehyung grabbed for wrists looking at you, you looked down to his hand holding onto your wrists before pushing his hand away. You walked around spacing out not knowing where you were walking too.

is this how your love life is going to turn out, you never thought this would ever happen to you. You try to be good so good things would happen but it alway seems to be the opposite. The good people don't get the good things but the bad people get things. Your phone was ringing but you didn't even care to answer it. You thought that maybe working with taehyung wasn't such a good idea you thought maybe it's time to quit and cut him out of your life forever if you want to be happy. You walked up to the front of your door opening it before walking in. You took out your phone seeing ten miss calls from taehyung and twenty three text message form him.

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