" chapter 20 " last chapter

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[ sorry for the longest update! But I'm back with the last chapter of " I fell in love with a fan " ]

" WHAT! No he's not with me "
" call him!? "

I quickly hung up my phone and tried calling taehyung but he never picked up my calls. I called him like 20 times but he never picked up. I started to get really worried and scared, I quickly ran to his house. The whole time I was going to his house all the memories all came back to me. The first day I met him to the day we become a couple. He can't leave me the last thing I said to him was for him to leave me and I didn't mean it. As soon as I got to his house I quickly knocked on the door but I remembered he had a key under his mat. I found the key and quickly opened his door and went inside looking for him.


I stopped and started to freak out but I saw someone coming out of the room. It was taehyung and I felt relieved. I quickly ran to hug him tightly crying.

" what's wrong y/n "

I tried to tell him but I couldn't because I couldn't stop myself from crying.

" I thought you were gone "

I leaned in and hugged him again while he hugged me back.

" why would I be gone? "
" because I got a phone call and I thought it was you and I got worried "

He pulled away looking at me

" Don't worry I'm here "

I cried some more and hugged him again not wanting to let go because all I needed was to hug him.

" I'm sorry taehyung "
" it's okay "

He hugged me tightly placing his hand on my head making me feel secure.

" and everything about the whole sleeping with jimin thing it was a lie I didn't sleep him. I was just angry and said it out of anger I didn't mean it when I said I didn't need you anymore because I need you more than ever I- "

I couldn't stop talking until taehyung cupped my cheeks and leaned in for a gentle kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed him back while he held onto me. He pulled away leaning his forehead on mine.

" I don't care about that y/n, all I care about is that you are here with me now and no one is going to take you away from me this time I promise and this time I mean it "

I smiled and kissed him again, everything felt much better.

" but what made you freak out so much "
" I got a phone call that someone was a care accident that and I thought it was it made me worry "
" well I'm alive still breathing don't worry too much "

We sat down on his couch while he held me close to him.

" soo, remember when you said that you didn't need me no more? "
" yeah why? "
" I knew you were lying already "
" how? "
" you don't keep eye contact when your lying "
" how would you know maybe I wasn't "
" if you weren't then why would you come all the way here just to check on me? "

He smirked at me making me lightly elbow his stomach. I got up looking at him

" what's wrong? "
" so, me and Vanessa talked today "
" Why? What did she say to you? "
" she told me everything about you and her and that child of hers "
" ohh right "
" Was that what you wanted to tell me the other day? "
" y-yeah "

I cupped his cheeks while he held onto my hands that was cupping his cheeks.

" I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain to me "
" it's okay "
" it's all my fault "
" no it's not your fault at all if anything it's mine this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so stupid and selfish "
" I'm afraid we won't make this work and something will happen again "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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