" chapter 12 "

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[ WOOHOO! Back at it again with chapter 12 ]

Vanessa: taehyung

" hey "
She invited me to her house, I turned around to look at her.

" so I wanted to tell you something "
" me to "
" okay you first "
" I'm sorry for acting up the other day about me not wanting to marry you anymore. I guess I was just upset about the other day and wasn't thinking "
" it's okay "

I stood there not knowing what to say to her

" I just wanted to say that I feel the same way "

She smiled at me wrapping her around my waist. I couldn't say no to her because I really didn't want to her hurt either. I was going to actually end this and try to get y/n back after she said that I just couldn't do it.

" I'm so glad you feel the same way "
" me to "

Your POV
you were home all day with jimin, after that day jimin felt so guilty for not picking up your call that he wanted to make it up to you. But you really didn't have a probably with that because you didn't want to be home alone anyways.

" are you sure you're okay ? "
" I'm fine jimin, really "
" I'm just worried that's all "

You looked at him and smilies reassuring him that everything was fine and that he didn't have to worry too much.

" I just didn't want you to think I didn't pick up your call on purpose "
" I know you didn't do it on purpose "
" okay, but one more question "
" what? "
" why were you sleeping at taehyung place? "
" ohh because I was afraid to be alone that night "
" but where are you going to change out of his shirt "

You looked down not realizing that you were still wearing taehyung shirt.

" ohh right "

You went to the room taking a shower before changing out of his clothes and into your own clothes. After cleaning yourself up a bit you went back to the living room.

" I don't think you should go to work tomorrow "
" why not? "
" I mean what if he's still there? "
" don't worry he's not going to be there anymore "
" are you sure? "
" okay well I just don't want anything happening to you "
" don't worry "

The day was coming to an end soon and jimin was going getting ready to go home.

" hey jimin "
" yeah "
" I'm still a bit afraid to be home alone, would you mind staying here for one night? "
" sure "
" but you get the couch "
" don't I always "

You laughed at jimin before going to your room and grabbing some blankets and pillows for jimin.

" thanks for staying "
" no problem, Because now it will be even but it's even better because you asked me to stay "
" what are you talking about? "
" to be honest I was a little upset you stayed at taehyung place last night "

You chuckled at him.

" you are too much sometimes, good night "

You turned off the lights going to your room turning off the lights. You laid down trying to sleep but you couldn't fall asleep. You woke up grabbing your pillow going to the living room. You saw jimin sleeping and went to wake up him.

" jimin "

He opened his eyes still feeling tired, he squinted his eyes looking at me.

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now