" chapter 16 "

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[ SORRY I've been gone for so long! But I'm back with chapter 16!! 😍😘😘 ]

Your POV
Taehyung said he had some things to take care off so he stepped out for a bit. I was working on my designs when I kept hearing taehyung phone ring. I got up and picked up his phone seeing Vanessa name.

" meet me in the back of your work place "
" why? "
" I just need to say a few words to you "
" fine "

I started to get a bit worried when I read the text messages. I decided that I would go just to check on him. I walked to the back of the building and I could see Vanessa and taehyung talking. I walked towards them and I knew she saw me because as soon as she saw my she kissed taehyung right in front of me. I clenched my hand into a fists. Taehyung didn't pull away which made me even more anger. I walked towards them and pulled taehyung away from her. His eyes widen when he saw me and I knew he was nervous.

Taehyung: " Y/N it's not what it looks like "

I turned to look at him giving him an angry expression. I turned to look at Vanessa again and this time I slapped her. She held onto her red cheeks looking at me.

" I tried to be clam and stay nice to you but you were asking for exactly this "
Vanessa: " you two don't belong together "
" oh yeah well you think you two belong together? Because if you do you're wrong, anyways I don't have time to be arguing with people like you "

I grabbed taehyung and pulled him away from her. I know he knew I was mad and upset with him. I pulled him inside the office making him look at me.

" what was that kiss earlier? "
" look I didn't mean for that to happen "
" sure you did because you didn't seem to mind it at all when you didn't pull away "

I crossed my arms together feeling all the anger coming out of me. He walked towards me grabbing my folded arms holding my hands.

" y/n you didn't even give me a chance to explain myself "
" okay explain yourself "
" it was literally for a second I already pulled away and I already lost you once do you really think I'm going to try and lose you again? "

I didn't even turn to give him a single glance

" huh? Answer me? "

He pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me giving me a peck on the cheeks. I turned to face him and smiled at him.

" well I don't like seeing you kiss other people that is not me "
" and you think I like seeing you kiss other people "
" well yours is different "
" look y/n I'm sorry okay I will never ever let that happen again, these lips are yours "

I pulled from the most cringing  line he used.

" what? "
" cringy "
" only for you "

I rolled my eyes and went back to my desk.The day was ending and I was ready to leave this place.

Taehyung: " you ready? "
" yeah, let's go "

He intertwined his fingers with mine I looked at him trying to pull my hand away but held onto my hands tighter.

" don't worry nobody is here "

He walked out pulling me from behind, I was worried that there was still workers here working late. I didn't want anyone seeing us holding hands. We finally got to his car and i made sure I cover my face before getting inside his car.

" y/n why are you so worried? "
" I just don't want people to talk "
" your with me y/n I would never let anything happen to you "

He kissed the back of my hands making me feel more secure. He drove me home and I really liked this a lot instead of going home alone I'm going home happy with him. He walked me to my door and gave me a peck on the lips.

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