" chapter 15 "

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[ sorry for the super long update! But I am back with another update ]

I watched him lay his head on my lap falling asleep. I lifted up my hand wanting to to touch his hair i slowly ran my hands through his soft silky hair. How can someone who i try to hate for the rest of my life can still be this important to me. I kept stroking his hair when he reach to grab my hand making me jump from the sudden touch. He got up sitting up looking at me while still holding my hand.

" taehyung are you okay? "
" no I'm not okay I feel hurt? "
" where are you hurt? "

I start scanning his body but he placed his hand under your chin lifting my head up to look at him. He took my hand that he was holding and placed it over his chest.

" I'm hurting here "

I didn't know what to say but stare at him

" I'm felling hurt here and I don't know what to do? "
" taehyung I- "

He cut my sentence short when he reached for the back of my neck and pulled me in closer to him. I could feel my heart racing as soon as he placed his forehead on mine while he whispered something to me.

" I love you y/n "
" just kiss me already you idiot "

He cupped my cheeks and finally kissed me and those were the lips I've been waiting for the longest time. He pulled me closer to him making sure there was so no space between you two. His lips in sync with mine and i felt everything from him again for the first time in such a long time. He pulled away gasping for air.

" I love you so much y/n I'm so stupid for every dumb things I ever did or said to you please believe me this time I really mean what I said "
" I love you to taehyung "

He smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. Later that night taehyung didn't go home and stayed over to the night. You both laid on my bed together while he held me all night. I have to admit i did miss this so much that i couldn't feel any happier. I could smell his scent and it was still the same scent from a year ago. Through out the night he didn't let me go but held me until morning. The next morning i half opened my eyes when i heard the alarm on taehyung phone go off. I reached for his phone turning his alarm off.

" taehyung wake up "

He heard me but didn't want to get up to go to work.

" you have to go to work "
" no I won't go if you don't go so I guess we both quit our jobs "
" wait no, you can't do that "
" yes I can you did "
" fine if I promise to go back will you go back "

He opened one of his eyes looking at me and smile while nodding. You both got up and he had to go home and get ready.

" I'll meet you at work "
" no I'll come pick you up instead "
" but we can't let people know about us "
" well do it secretly, besides it's much sexier that way "

I rolled my eyes and pushed him out the door to hurry and go get ready for work. I closed the door but was actually feeling really happy right now. I went to take a shower and started getting ready for work.

Taehyung POV
I remembered that I went out yesterday and I left my car parked outside the bar. I called for a taxi and went back to the bar to get my car. Once I got my car I drove back home, I opened the door hearing my name being called.

" taehyung "

I froze when I heard Vanessa voice

" where have you been all night? "
" sorry I was working late "
" that's a pretty lame excuse "
" I called you like ten times and you never picked up my call but I did hear some pretty interesting things "
" what do you mean? "

" I fell in love with a fan 2 " [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now